"I- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you" I smile forcefully, the sting of the pain still lingering.

"Are you okay though? Nothing broken? Any cuts?" He mutters as he slowly inspects my body, for injury I suppose.

"I'm fine, honest" I smile, waving him off.

"You're not fine. You're to careless for your own good. You need to be more careful" he sighs in exasperation before hugging me gently. I hug him back with the same strength, not to much, but just enough so he knows that I'm okay.

"I'm fine, honest. Though I should sit down... Just encase" I smile and kiss him tenderly before I waddle to the sofa and plop down, letting my head roll back as I let out a long breath, holding my bump as the pulse of pain still lingers.

"I'll finish the pancakes and then go and get up Mavis. You're lucky she's a heavy sleeper or she'd be in here faster then you could say-"

"Ahhhhhhh!" I cry out and groan loudly as I grip my stomach and pant. I try my best to steady my breath and before I could even blink Michael was at my side.

"Calm down, steady you're breathing... Where's the pain." I felt like I suddenly flicked a switch on him and turned on doctor mode. His scared exoskeleton had disappeared and was replaced by a strong man who quickly took charge.

"M-my stomach" I groan softly again before he nods and helps me to stand.

"Let's get you to bed, and no arguing. You need to lay down and rest." He orders, and I make no attempt at arguing.

I had these pains earlier and through the night, but that was by far the worse. All the others were bearable and only had me stiring to get comfortable, but soon I knew what was going on. "I- I think the baby is coming." i mutter shyly, not really knowing what else to say.

"Don't worry, I'm here. That's all you need to care about. If our baby is coming then we should be happy." He smiles, helping me walk up the stairs and into our room.

As we reach the door to our room I stop and gasp, looking down to see a gooey liquid running down my thighs. "Oh god!" I immediately begin to panic as the pain arrived again.

"Breath, breath..." Michael smiles softly and helps me over to the bed before he strips of my night trousers and boxers, leaving me in just a shirt before he gently lays the covers over me. "I'll go get Mavis. Stay here and don't move." He orders before speedily rushing away and out the door.

A couple minutes pass before he comes back in with my aunt, a smile across her face and his. "I- it hurts..." I whine and grip Michael's hand as soon as he comes into range.

"I know sweetheart, but you need to breath and stay calm. The baby wants to come out now so I need you to be a brave boy." Mavis smiles, making me laugh softly as I nod. "Now, when did you get the first pain?"

"A-about four am... But I just put it down to my normal cramps." I mutter, gritting my teeth as I hold my swollen bump.

"Okay, its nine twenty three now so that's just over five hours... Alright then. I think it'll be safe for you to push soon but let's just wait a little longer" she smiles as I bite my lip and nod. Honestly, I wanted to rip her head off.

"Don't worry baby... I'll be here the whole time, I promise." Michael smiles and kisses me tenderly. I do my best to kiss him back but it was near impossible as more pain hit. I gripped his hand tightly and raised my other arm to his shoulder as I cried. "Shhhh~ breath... Breath..."

The pain was unbearable. It went on like this for at least another hour. Pain and breathing. Pain and breathing. I could feel myself getting tired and soon I was nearing my whits end.

"Okay sweety, I think it'll be safe to push now." Mavis smiles. Seriously, was she enjoying seeing me in all this pain?

"I- I can be here right?" Michael mutters before I grip his hand tighter and growl.

"You better fucking be here! You did this to me! Ahhhhhhh!" Another contraction hits tenfold as I scream in agony. The pain felt like electricity running through my entire body as she got Michael to slip this piece of fabric with two elastic holes on me. At first I was confused until I realised it was to cover my dick and keep it out of the way. Smart move Mavis!

Mavis then went on to rest a towel over my waist and crotch before opening my legs. "Ready to meet your baby?" She smiles as I nod and go to speak but feel another contraction coming heavy. "Okay, I need you to push for me, not to hard though cause I need to see where the baby is resting."

I nod and do as I'm told, pushing when the next pain hits. "Okay... The baby is on its way down now so I need you to make the next one a nice big push. This may take a while so don't wear yourself out right away."

I swear, in this one moment I couldn't have been happier. I had a loving boyfriend, an understanding aunt and a baby on the way that I would love for the rest of my life.

It's felt the next contraction and did what I was told. I pushed and pushed for what felt like hours. My ass was on fire and my knuckles were white from how tight I was holding Michael. I was so happy that he was with me, but he did this to me so I was almost glad to be causing him some pain through this.

Soon I felt my insides retract against something hard, a lump, as another hard pain hit. I pushed and pushed and soon I heard a small cry.

"That's it! The head it out, one more big push and the baby is here!" Mavis happily squeals as she steadies her hand beneath our baby's head, my body already feeling limp and weak from the hours of labour I've been through.

All the pain amounts to something in the end. All the heartache, heartbreak and bad times. My parents disowning me, Alex trying to kill us and all the abuse that I received in the streets. It all meant nothing when I felt that last push bring relief and the ringing sound of our baby crying.

"Here she is..." Mavis smiles as Michael let's go of my hand to go and cut the cord. We had already knew that I would be to tired after the baby was born so he got to do all the first moments of bonding. The cutting of the cord, the first bath, getting her into her first out outfit.

"Did you know it was a girl?" Mavis asked as she dabs a cold cloth on my head while I lay watching him gently handle our baby.

"No... We wanted it to be a suprise." I smile, tears of ultimate joy falling slowly.

"Do you have a name?" She smiles looking between us.

"Eliza..." Michael begins and looks to me for approval.

I nod and look up to my aunt "Eliza Michelle Roberts." I smile, letting more tears fall as she props up my back slightly and Michael walks over with her wrapped and ready for hugs.

Mavis smiles and grabs all of the dirty things, before leaving and closing the door, as Michael lays besides me, handing me our daughter. She had black hair like his and her eyes were closed, I hope she has his eyes too. Her hands were small and her skin was bright pink, but who wouldn't be after what she just went through. I looked her, love in my eyes, before I turned to Michael and cried even more. "It's our baby... Our baby" I smile as he nods and kisses me gently.

"Welcome to the world... Eliza Michelle Roberts."

(Authors note)

That's it guys! Tada!
Going to do an epilogue and then its all over! No more Byron and Michael! Or is it?

The big question is... Should I do a sequel?!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share the story around!

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