The Prince's Guard, Part Three

Start from the beginning

So, when he was sure most in the castle were asleep, he crept out of his chambers, down the grand, spiral staircase, and down, down, down, evading the guards who were currently on duty, until he had reached the dungeon. He pushed open the large, creaky wooden door, revealing a musty hallway that made him cough. Once he travelled down this hallway, he discovered the guards at the wall nearby Armin's cell to be sleeping. Carefully, and as silently as possible, he snuck up, curling his fingers around the icy cold metal bars and looking on the blonde, who tossed and turned in his rickety cot, presumably with a nightmare.

Eren shook the bars, knowing that even the slightest disturbance would rouse the blonde. "Armin," he spoke, causing his eyes to fly open in the near-darkness, the only light coming from the torch in the corner that reflected off of his eyes.

"Eren," he murmured, sleep laced in his voice. "Eren, you're here."

"Yeah, I am," Eren said quietly back, and then felt stupid for pointing out the obvious. "How are you?"

Armin blinked. "Tired."

The brunette nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry for getting us into this mess. I should have never said anything about Levi."

"It's not your fault," Eren insisted. "I'm the one who suggested we run."

Both boys sat in silence for a while, the flickering light of the torch reflecting off their faces. Armin was dozing off again, and Eren took notice.

"I'll go, but I might be back tomorrow," he told the blonde, and he opened his eyes momentarily to answer.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." With that, Eren departed quietly, fleeing up the stairs and to his chambers, his secrets shrouded by the night.

The following night, they key was slid under Eren's door once again, and he crept from his room slightly earlier than the previous night, just so he and Armin could talk more. However, when he went down the dusty hallway and entered into the area with Armin's cell, he saw that the guards were none other than Reiner and Bertolt.

They were taken aback by the sight of the brunette, but then Reiner smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "If it isn't the prince," he sneered. "What brings you here? Trying to visit Armin? It's not gonna happen."

"Please," Eren begged. "I'll give you anything, even more money, just let me see him."

"We're not falling for your bribes again," he hissed, his tone changing to harsh and accusing. He jabbed a finger at Eren's chest. "Your slip-up nearly cost us our jobs. We're lucky we're respected guards."

"I'm sorry. Really, I am. But please just let me see him. Just for a little bit. Please..."

Bertolt, the nicer of the two, dropped his burly facade and dug around in his pocket. "Here," he said, handing Eren the keys to Armin's cell and manacles. "We'll give you all the time you need."

Reiner turned to his partner, outraged, but Eren was thanking him just as graciously as Armin would have. He rushed down the way, unlocking his cell as quickly as he could with shaking hands. Armin was sleeping anyway, probably out of boredom for his place, or just because he was that tired.

He woke to the creaking of the cell door opening, however, and sat straight up. "Eren, how did you get in here?" he asked groggily, blinking through the near-darkness and trying to clear the sleep from his vision.

"Bertolt gave me the key," he whispered, coming up to Armin's cot and unlocking his shackles. Armin, relieved at his freedom, shook out his wrists and then promptly threw his arms around the brunette. "I missed you," he murmured.

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