"Technically, I couldn't really tell you. Banks said a bunch of mumbo jumbo, science-y stuff and I sort of got distracted," Dan admitted. "But the main phrase that he kept using was that it was for mental clarity." He shrugged. "Said it was perfectly safe. He even gave me a shot."

"You?" I frowned. "Why would you need it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually, I feel fantastic," he said sincerely. "It's no secret that Banks and I haven't been on the best of terms, so as a display of peace he offered it to me as a way to show that it would be harmless."

"Why would he feel like he had to prove that to you?" I asked, trying to form a picture of how the two would've acted around each other.

"Well," he said hesitantly, giving me a guilty smile. "I may or may not have accused him of trying to drug you." I gaped, but Dan quickly continued. "I know I was wrong though, because after he gave me the shot I didn't really feel any ill side effects."

"What did you feel then?" I asked, finding myself worried even though Dan appeared unruffled.

"It's hard to explain. Before he gave it to me I had a lot on my mind, so my thoughts felt like a tangled and indecipherable mess. However, minutes after the injection I realized that I was able to prioritize things better. It was like I could suddenly see how stupid it was to worry about stuff that was trivial and out of my control." He shrugged. "I guess the best way to describe it would be like when you're really tired, and then you pop an energy drink and suddenly feel awake."

"That's interesting," I said slowly. Dan must've heard my uncertainty because he cocked his head and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Sage, trust me, if I had any doubts about the serum I wouldn't have even bothered bringing it to you," he said. "Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like it might even be able to help with your amnesia."

He had a point. With a sigh, I nodded at the many tubes that were still connected to my arms. "Okay, I trust you. Take your pick."

He grinned, and then proceeded to inject the medication through one of the ports of my main IV. Then I waited, and waited, and for good measure waited some more. Nothing happened though.

"You feeling it yet?" Dan asked.

"Nope, nothing. You sure you didn't just give me dirty water?" I joked.

"Maybe if you close your eyes?" he offered. "Just relax and let it happen."

I nodded and then tried to channel a Zen-like sort of attitude. When that didn't work, I changed tactics and tried to picture myself in what I liked to call, my quiet place. I thought I might be feeling the beginnings of something when the swish of a door and the thump of feet startled me.

Who's interrupting me in my quiet place? I wondered, feeling slightly peeved.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," a voice purred.

"Jade," I said, recognizing the girl as soon as I opened my eyes. "Hey."

"You remembered me," she said approvingly, flicking a hand through her wild blonde hair. "That's a good sign."

"What brings you around?" I asked.

"You, of course," she replied, giving me a quick wink. "I brought some stuff." From a bag she had slung over her shoulder she pulled out a disposable razor, a small bar of soap, and a towel. "You look worse for wear."

"You don't say," I laughed, actually feeling happy to have some brutal honesty thrown my way. "Now, Jade, tell me how you really feel."

"I'm just saying a trim wouldn't hurt," she replied. "And really, I'm not trying to be rude; I just say what others are thinking."

Inextricable: A Divergent FanFiction (Book Three) ©Where stories live. Discover now