"I didn't want to." I said honestly. "A friend of mine talked me into it."

"Well, either way, it looks good." She smiled softly.

"Thank y-"

"Excuse me." Someone carelessly crossed my line of vision and slumped into the seat behind me.

I ignored him and focused back onto Madison. "Thank you." She nodded in response.

"Nice hair, nerd." The voice came from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

I ignored the fact that he sounded playful rather than his usual snarky self. Class went on and we started a new unit on the different types of government. We had a long discussion about dictators throughout history. With only fifteen minutes of the period left, Mr. Reid finished the lesson and let us work on out project.

Craig made his way over to the empty seat next to Madison and they started their project. She seemed more comfortable with him than most people, probably because he was pretty much as shy as she was. I felt like she would get along well with Lucas and I made a mental note to introduce them.

"So, partner, I was thinking we could do Electra." Jaxon said from behind me.

I turned in my seat to face him with a bewildered look on my face.

"Electra, the Greek myth?" I asked in shock.

"That is what our project is about." He said.

"Excuse me for being surprised that you're actually serious about this project for once." After everything he put me through yesterday, him being on task was the last thing that I was expecting.

"What can I say? I feel kind of bad for my actions yesterday. Especially after realizing why you were so worked up." He raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"What are you talking about?"

"Now Melanie, there's no need to deny it. You were jealous of the girl I was on the phone with. But don't worry, from now on, my attention is all yours."

My mouth dropped open in shock. I searched his face for any sign that he was joking but, other than his smug grin, he looked completely serious. He had his arms crossed over his chest confidently.

"Jaxon, I could have sworn that I hit your shoulder with that hole puncher, but maybe it knocked you in the head. You're an idiot if you think I was jealous of some girl you had a conversation with." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Acceptance is the first stage to recovery." He tapped my nose with his finger and I slapped his arm away.

"Electra. Get out your notebook." He was already pushing me to my limit and we had barely been in school for an hour.

He chuckled but did as I told him. By the end of the period we'd finished the work on Electra and Pandora. I was extremely relieved to hear the bell ring and I quickly grabbed my stuff and stood up. I waited a moment for Madison to do the same and we walked out without another word.

The hallway was busy with students walking past in all different directions. I wove around them with Madison in tow. As I rounded a corner, I ran into someone going the opposite direction and stumbled back into Maddie.

"Oh sorry." I said out of habit.

"Look where you're going next time."

I glanced at the person and immediately understood why they were so rude.

"It was your fault just as much as it was mine, Hanna." I said.

She stared at me suspiciously for a moment then her eyes lit up in recognition.

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