Some sweet dream.

Start from the beginning

"Bitch." I mumbled under my breath as my finger pressed the up button. I've got to find it someway.... I remember the people next to us had a tray outside their door, if i'm lucky it might still be there!  I began checking the floors one by one until I came to the last floor crossing my fingers. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator it left to the basement(pool area). I looked to the left then to the right, nothing "Great! Just great, now what do I do!" My voice cracked as tears of frustration filled my eyes. This is all Trevors fault! I crossed my arms, teardrops began slipping down my face. "I'm to tired for this and I just want to go to bed" I whined stomping my foot. The elevator dinged open, "I told you to press 3 not 30! Now it's going to take us forever to get to our room!" a familiar voice scolded. "I'm sorry, I-" The second voice was almost identical to the first. I sniffled wiping a tear, my back facing them. "Are you alright?" The deeper voice asked, I nodded then shook my head no. "I'm lost and everyone thinks I'm lying!".

"About what?" The second voice (also the slightly higher voice) questioned. I dropped my arms to my sides sighing " Being Kian Lawleys younger sister. "I'll tell you what" began the deeper voice " You tell me Kians phone number and get it right then we'll show you where Kians room is. I told him the  number, he chuckled. " A promise is a promise!" The higher voice said, I turned to them nearly shitting bricks. "Y-your...." I mumbled slightly trying to not make myself look like a bloody idiot. "Thanks a lot, Jack and Finn. I've probably been looking for about 3 hours." I stuttered graciously.

"No problemo" Finn said grinning cheekily. He was wearing his shirt with a muf-FINN on it, as he's agreed to call it in defense that it was a cupcake but all his friends called it a muffin so Muf-FINN settled. Calm yourself Kaitlynn, Just breath. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, inching closer to them. "I'm just glad we could help you!" Jack smiled wrapping his arm around you. Finn interjected "It's alway fun to help kids out.". Wait, what. My stomach dropped. Kids. Does that mean that I'm just another kid? Well there goes my interest in every fanfiction in my wattpad library, except for 'I Will Find You' that's a good one...The elevator dinged, I almost ran out the door. "Your room is the first to the right down the left hall." Jack said. "Thanks!" I hollered running down the hallway as fast as I could. "Your welcome!!" Finn hollered to me. I jolted to a stop knocking rapidly on the door, it opened. I pulled them into a hug, I don't know who it was because my eyes were closed tight with joy. "Excuse me." Said a woman with an Italian accent, I pulled away. She was small and cute, "Who is it Marzia?" a male voice called to her with a swedish accent. "Wrong door, sorry!" I said running across the hall to the opposite side, I had gone to the left door, not the right side.

My fist began banging on the door rapidly, Jc opened it. The tension in his body dropped instantly "It's her" I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Hello.." Jc said naughtily raising an eybrow and furrowing his face. He began to laugh, I pushed him off rolling my eyes. "Thank God!" Kian said pulling me in tightly, I hugged him back. He pulled me away holding my face "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you, werr there weirdos?" Kian babbled, his face obvious that he was crying. Connor jutted in "We thought we had lost you Kaitlynn!" his arms were crossed and his face serious. It was a wierd look for Connor considering he was always smiling. I yawned, It was already about 10 P.M. Sniffles came from the cot, I looked over Kians shoulder almost crying myself because I felt bad. It was Trevor, crying on the cot. I can't even imagine the verbal spanking Kian and Sam must have given him. Everyone looked shooken up. Kian pulled away before saying "We should all get to bed, it's been a long day and I have tomorrow planned out perfectly." 

Sam put his arm around my giving me a side hug, I looked up to him. Our faces almost inappropriately close, so close I could taste the popcorn on his breathe. Bewildered I looked around nervously then back to him. He was playing with the fray of my bikini, he looked back at me. "Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked breathily. Sam chuckled raising his eyebrows "Right inbetween me and Kian." Andrea gasped "I thought you were gonna sleep on the floor with me Kian" She interjected. "I guess I could but-" Kian began. "We haven't seen eachother for two months babe" Andrea pouted patting the floor next to her. Kian smiled warmly "Alright babe".

"One of us other guys could sleep on that bed to instead of having four on one bed and two on the other." Ricky suggested setting his white IPhone on the table inbetween the two beds. "Ricardo could, Jc, Ricky and I have all had to sleep in the same bed at some point." Connor beamed almost proud that they had all shared a bed before. Kian was frazzled "Yeah sure whatever" He laid down cuddling Andrea and was almost instantly out. We all got into pajamas, because I hate sleeping in hot temperature I put on a shutter shade tank top and fuzzy spongebob boxer shorts. I ran into the dark room careful not to make a noise jumping into the middleof the bed. It was stipped just how I liked it, with just one sheat on it. Ricardo was wearing a t shirt with pj pants. Sam on the other had was just wearing Pajama pants "Are you wearing the spongebob ones you wore to our first movie night?" Sam questioned as I got under the sheat.

"Yes! How'd you remember?" I giggled astounded. "How could I forget!" Sam replied. I yawned "Lets go to sleep" Ricardo said beginning to yawn himself. "Sweet dreams" I wished to everyone. 

A/N to make up for not updating in forever(laptop kept crashing and deleting my chapter -_-) I have tried to make this Chapter eexxttrraaa looonnnnngggg. I have thought of a fun way to make sure I update and you guys want me to (with all the comments I'm guessing you do!!!) I'm gonna have a question at the end of each chapter and I you want me to update then you can comment your answer. First person with my favourite/right answer will win and be the person I dedicate the next chapter to, Okay? cool. 

What would you do If you were a millionaire? 

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