[58]: I'll Be Watching You

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"Here's the second one, 'I hope you're all as excited as we are to find out who were talking about. Here's our second clue for you: Looks like miss goodie two shoes like to draw. And apparently she's very good. Xoxo I'm watching you.'" Ayla says passing it to Georgia.

"Well we all thought they were on about an art student with this one, but I guess this does apply to you Lyd. You do draw, well you sketch and you're freaking awesome at it." Georgia sighs checking off the second clue.

I nod and feel my eyes welling up, I take a deep breath to try and hold back my tears but some fell.

"These could just be coincidences right now Lyd okay, let's just keep going." Ayla says squeezing my hand. "Where's the next one?"

"Here." Lois says picking it up. "'Our third clue for you to guess is: You'll never see miss goodie two shoes without her three guard dogs. It's actually pathetic. See you soon, xoxo I'm watching you.'

"That's about you three right? You're my best friends and we're always together and you're always sticking up for me." I sigh as Georgia marks it down.

"It could be about us, but we don't know that for sure. Let's just keep thinking positive and going through them." Lois says picking up the next card.

"The next one said," she says turning it over and showing us. "It's just a picture of a cheater. With the usual xoxo I'm watching you. Written underneath."

"Well that could be about me, I did cheat on Elliot." I say shrugging, acknowledging now that these clues were all about me and somehow people knew all this private stuff about me. "What's the next one?"

Ayla picks it up and turns it over, 'our miss goodie two shoes won't go anywhere without her clown of a best friend. Xoxo I'm watching you.' Clown?" she says confused. "How are we clowns?"

"Well none of us are over comical so they can't mean it in a 'haha' sense." Georgia says.

"Speak for yourself, I think I'm hilarious." Lois chuckles making me smile for a moment.

"What if they mean clown as in face paint." Ayla says looking at Lois. "And what do you want to do as a career Lo?"

"Theatrical make-up." She admits, blowing out a lungful of air. "Shit this one's about me."

"What's the next one?" I whisper, I couldn't speak properly as I'd burst the damn I was trying to hold in.

Georgia picks it up and reads it out, 'Our clue today is that everyone knows that miss goodie two shoes has always been the biggest green eyes bitch around. Always the BFF never the GF. XOXO I'm watching you.'"

I knew this clue made me feel weird when I heard Ayla read it out, now I definitely knew it was about me.

"Well I was always the best friend wanting to be the girlfriend until recently. And I guess they were right about the green eyed thing, I was always jealous of Ash's girlfriends." I say choking on a laugh and a sob. "What's the next one about?"

Lois cautiously picks it up and turns it over to read what it says. "We want to say congratulations to our miss goodie two shoes on finally popping her cherry. ;) XOXO I'm watching you.'" She whispers the last part and passes it to Georgia who had stopped writing things down as we knew this was all to do with me.

"Well since we all know I lost my virginity last weekend. That's obvious, then yesterdays was something about being pregnant right?" I reply through my tears.

"Yea, it says, 'First a popped cherry and now a possible bun in the oven. Our miss goodie two shoes isn't so good anymore. Xoxo I'm watching you.'" Ayla says placing the card on top of the pile so far.

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