[57]: Popped Cherry Anyone?

Start from the beginning

"Not a problem, you're my number one girl remember. I'd do anything to make you happy." He says sweetly before pressing a kiss to my lips.

Before I knew it, my belt was being undone and I was lifted across onto Ash's lap; not once breaking our kiss. Well, that was until we were rudely interrupted by a knocking on Ash's window scaring the both of us.

"Prise your lips away from lover boy, us girls are waiting for the gossip, now scoot." Ayla grins, her face pressed up against the window.

I chuckle kissing Ash once more before climbing back onto my seat. "Thanks again for last night, text me after."

"You're welcome, yea I will. I'll message you once I'm done with footy."

He leans over and kisses me again before I climb out of his car. He taps me on my bum as I climb out, looking over my shoulder at him he winks at me and I laugh again before closing the door behind me.

"Oh my god you totally slept with him last night." Lois announces as I reach them.

Just at the moment my front door opens and Fin walks out, his jaw dropping.

"That was something I really didn't need to hear...ever." He says scrunching up his face at us.

"Sorry Fin." Lois says laughing. "Didn't see you there."

"Anyway, I now have to find a way of forgetting what I've just heard and erasing it from my brain." He says shaking his head. "Just tell me that you used protection Lyd? I don't need another baby sister pregnant just yet."

"We were safe." I reply and he nods.

"Okay good, I'm off. See you girls later."

We stumble into my house and I head to the kitchen to stick my flowers into a vase. I didn't want to bring Ash's with me; I knew I'd end up spilling water everywhere on the ride over.

"So...where did this come from?" Georgia asks holding up one of the roses as I fill up the vase with water.

"These are from Ash; they were part of my treasure hunt from last night."

"Ayla mentioned something to do with a game he did for you. Did you bring the clues with you so we can see them?" Lois asks and I nod.

I head upstairs with the girls following me and place my roses on my desk. The girls spread themselves out over my room with all their sleeping gear. My room was the biggest to hold our sleepovers.

"Oh my god, there's thirteen roses here." Georgia says from behind me.

"Oh yea...I figured that out last night as well." I reply laughing.

"Thirteen roses..."Ayla says intrigued before it obviously hit her what we were on about. "I freakin told you that he was your secret admirer didn't I."

"Yea, but I didn't want to believe it at the time. He admitted to it last night."

"Oh my god, that was Ash?" Lois grins and I nod feeling giddy.

"Everything that happened last night was just perfect guys." I say sighing lying down on my bed.

"Tell us everything." Ayla grins plonking herself next to me as the other two cross their legs at the bottom of my bed.

I sit up and grin at them all, "Well it all began with Fin picking me up from college..."

The next hour or so was spent filling them in on my treasure hunt game and showing them all the clues, then telling them about us dancing under the stars and cuddling watching The Notebook."

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