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Dan awoke all of a sudden to hear someone in the kitchen. "It's just the dog," he thought to himself. He turns over and remembered that the dog was is at his parent's house for the weekend. He then freaked out.

"Phil," he whispers. "Phil, wake up."

"Hum," Phil says still half asleep. He looks at Dan. "What's wrong?"

"Umm," he whispers. "Listen." They both sit up and listen and hear some noise coming from the kitchen. Phil puts his arm around Dan's waist and Phil pulls Dan even closer.

"Did you lock the door before we went to bed?" Phil ask Dan.

"No, I thought you did," he replies. There was a few seconds of silence before he spoke up again.

"Dan, I love you," he says while standing up and kisses Dan on the forehead. He walks over to the door and opens it, looking out. He then closed the door and heads out into the kitchen. Dan gets up and crack open the door to watch.

"Hey," Phil says calmly to the man in the kitchen. "You have five seconds to drop everything and get out of my house before I call the police."

The man stopped and turned around. He drops everything on the table and runs for the door. Phil then goes to the door and locks it. He then proceeded to lock every door and window in the house. Dan ran to the bed and laid down, trying to act like he wasn't listening the whole time. Phil opened the door just as he got under the blanket.

"I know you aren't sleeping," he said.

Dan rolled over. "Isn't it obvious?"

They both laughed the laugh that brightened up everyone's day even when someone were in the worst of moods.

"Are you even tired anymore?" Phil asked.

"Nope. Are you?" 

"Nope, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't know," Dan said. "Do you just want to cuddle and watch a movie?"

"Sure. What movie?" Phil said while walking over to the television to grab the remote.

"Not Paranormal Activity. That's for sure," Dan said. Phil laughed.

"I wouldn't think so," Phil said while walking over to the bed.
He then stopped and looked at Dan.

"What?" Dan said to him while his cheeks became warm.

"You are just so gorgeous with your hobbit hair," Phil said.

"And you are halfway attractive with your stubble," Dan said back to him.

"Halfway?" Phil said jokingly.

Phil then walked over to his side of the bed and sat against the headboard.

"So why do you want to watch, beautiful?"  Dan said while studying Phil's features.

"I don't know, bean. What do you want to?"

"How about Finding Nemo?" Phil said while turning on Netflix.

"I would love to." Dan looked at Phil and smiled. Phil could see his dimples.

"I love you," Phil said.

"And I love you," Dan said back to him. Phil then kissed Dan on the nose and he laid down and wrapped his arm around Dan's waist. He then took Dan's hand and held it. They could stay like this forever. They wish they could.

"Hey Phil?" He said.


"Thank you for being protective. The intruder might have gotten all of the food if it want for you."

"I know," Phil said back to him. "It's my lounge too Dan." He laughed again and they started to watch the movie.

"One more thing," Dan said.


"I still top."

Phil adjusted himself so he was looking directly at Dan.

"Daniel James Howell. You do not."

They both smiled, settled back in with each other and continued watching the movie.


Hello guys! I can tell you right now updates are going to be very random and have very long hiatuses. I hope you liked this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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