"You can say it you know?" Carly said breaking the silence.

"What?" Sarah asked quietly.

"Say 'I told you so' and you were right" Carly sniffled. She was desperately holding her tears "Tommy is an ass. Just like Ken"

"I'm not going to say anything Carly because it's your problem not mine" Sarah spoke rudely. She was getting tired and didn't need extra drama into her life.

"Well, thank you. For coming to get me" Carly said. She was also emotionally and physically tired and had no energy to argue with the other girl. She knew she was at fault and dragged Sarah into it. The rest of the ride was silent but the tension was not as present.

Sarah parked into the same spot she first used it and shut down the engine. Both of them stayed quiet for a moment longer, trying to figure out what exactly happen that night. Sarah was the first to unbuckle her seatbelt. Carly stopped her as she opened the door.

"You won't tell mom and dad?" she asked shyly.

Sarah suddenly slammed the car door and faced the blond girl with a newly found rage. Carly staggered back until she was as far away from the brown haired girl.

"Listen well Carly" Sarah threatened "You have no right to ask me that question. You jeopardized my life and maybe Sunny's by calling me to come to your rescue to something you shouldn't have been part of in the first place. I'm on my last pass before they send me back to Juvie and maybe ruining the only great home I have ever been to. I will not be blamed for your selfishness so you better hope that tonight doesn't blow up into something more because it will be on you"

With that Sarah stepped out of the car and walked back into the house. Carly sat there, frozen by Sarah's words before bursting into tears. She never meant for any of this to happen and would never forgive herself if anything happened to the girls living on their third floor. This night had turned into a disaster and Carly had no idea how to fix it.


The next day, all the kids were eating breakfast when Leanne arrived from her shift. She looked tired and beaten. One of her patients died that night and Leanne was taking it hard. No matter how long she was doctor, losing a patient was always hard for her.

"Hey kids" Leanne asked yawning. "How was your night?"

"It was good, mom. I taught Sunny how to play the Xbox" Ben beamed.

"That's nice, you had fun Sunny?" Leanne asked nicely. Sunny nodded shyly. Sometimes she was overwhelmed by Leanne's generosity and kindness to which Sunny couldn't answer to.

"What about you girls? Anything new?" Leanne turned to the older children. Carly's hands started to shake nervously. She looked at Sarah to see if she would say anything about last night. She knew she was in trouble but couldn't find the words to tell her mother. Sarah finished her bite before shaking her head.

"Nothing" said and returned to her cereals. Carly let out a breath she didn't know she was holding before replying the same thing to her mom. Leanne looked suspiciously to the both of them but decided to let it go. If the girls wanted to say something, they will tell her eventually.

When, Sarah was done eating, she cleaned her bowl and put it back where she found it and went to her room to get ready for work. She heard Sunny's delicate footsteps following her to their room. Once the door was securely closed behind them Sunny turned to face her sister.

"Where were you last night?" Sunny asked seriously. It was rare that she would lose her happy smile and it always made Sarah uneasy because she knew that the Japanese girl was not joking. "I know you left, I heard you."

"It's all fine Sunny, don't worry about it" Sarah responded and started to get dressed.

"Does it have to with Carly? Did anything happen at the party?" Sunny pushed.

"Everything's fine Sunny"

"You promised me you wouldn't get in trouble" Sunny said sharply. Sarah finished getting dressed and turned to her sister with annoyance.

"And I won't" Sarah insisted.

"Your heart is too big for your body Sarah. You said you wouldn't act on it again"

Sarah was surprised to hear her name. Sunny only ever said her name when she was either extremely serious or angry at her.

"Should I have just let her get hurt?" Sarah asked quietly.

"Yes" Sunny spat "You said you were going to fix yourself first before helping others. I hate it when you go back on your words. I really like this family and I like Carly, but if helping them means hurting you and putting you in trouble then yes, I would let her get hurt."

Sunny turned around to leave the room but before she did she looked at Sarah again. "I love you Onee-san, but if you leave, I don't think I can follow you" she said and left the room quietly.

Sarah dragged her fingers through her hair in exhaustion. She hated when Sunny was angry at her because it always gave her a sense of failure. There was a time in her life that Sarah felt like she was a nobody, a failure but Sunny had given her an alternative of life. She gave her a reason of living after what that man did to her. With one last sigh, Sarah walked out of the room and to the car where Leanne was waiting to drive her to work.

Family Ties (girlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora