Some of the worst things to say to Asexuals

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This was bound to happen. So I'll make it the first chapter.

1- "You're too young to know that, you just haven't met the one. Don't get so down."
B I am not too young to know who I am. Most straight people know they're straight as young as five years old. When they kissed their Pre-K crush under the slide. I'm 16 now and you still say I'm too young to know? I'll tell you the same thing is 10 years.

2- "It's just a phase."
This goes right along with number one.

3- "Challenge accepted!"
If someone tells you they're asexual, don't think it's okay to take it into your own hands to "fix it". It's not a contest to see who can change the orientation of the ace chick in high school.
This is one of the worst by far. It's a joke, but at best it delegitimizes our identity and makes us just really unsure how to respond. It's also put together with threatening language and rape culture. People actually belive that rape will "fix" the perceived "problem" by getting the victim to enjoy the assault.
Does that make sense to anyone?

4- "But what about marriage or kids?"
What about them? My choices about future family life aren't really relevant to my experiences as someone who is ace. To people who are aromantic, marriage (and usually children) are not on the table at all.
For romantic Asexuals there are many options.
For children: the obvious example, adoption or even in-vitro fertilization. Two, if we chose to have sex, we can; some Asexuals chose the traditional method. Not all asexuals are sex repulsed.
For marriage: Many aces have wonderful amazing and understanding spouses that may or may not be asexual as well.

5- "Asexuals don't exist."
I hear this a lot. Most of the time it's from confusion. It's the first thing they can spit out. Sometimes it's from just plain ignorance. It really just makes me say "Really? I was wondering if I was really real, now I know for sure. *vanishes*" ( lmoa whoa where'd she go lol rotfl :-) I'm not funny)
Aces hear this from people who will give the "Sexuality is fluid" speech if someone gets a little drunk and tries to kiss someone of the same sex.
Apparently sexuality is only fluid if you actuality feel sexual attraction.
Otherwise your as real as the tooth fairy.

6- "Are you sure you're not just gay?"
This one makes me laugh. "HOLY SHIT! I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT! Maybe this lack of sexual attraction and desire is really just a repressed sex drive towards people of the same sex! DUH! Wow thanks for informing me."

7- "How do you know if you've never tried?"
How do you know you don't like having sex with kangaroos? Or people of the same sex? Or lions? Go try out the lion one and come back to me with your answer.

8- "How could you ever not want to fall in love?"
This is interesting because it goes into different branches under the asexual umbrella. Most aces want to find love just as much as everyone else (me). But some aromantics don't feel romantic attraction and actually don't want to fall in love.

9- "You're just sick."
I think you're right. Maybe I do have a disease that makes me some sort of sex-deprived monster. Or maybe I just feel things differently from you, God forbid human beings be different from eachother. But thanks for the concern.

Imma stop at 9 because who makes lists that go 1 through 10? Not this yogurt cup that's for sure.

-Asexual Spaghetti ♡

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