Will She Be Mad?

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Jax's POV:

Andi just ran away from my house. When we kissed, I felt sparks. And I thought that Andi and I hated each other. Guess I was wrong. I'm supposed to like Emma. Wait.... Do I liked Andi?! I gue-

Je: Jax!!! Omg! You and Andi kissed! Is that why you said she is your sorta friend?! Is she the girlfriend you said I'll meet?!
J: No she isn't my girlfriend- we're barely friends. I don't even know why we kissed.
Je: Oh. I kinda shipped you two.

I can't imagine that. Me and Andi?! A couple?! The door rang. I opened it. It was Mia.
M: Big problems.
J: What?
M: Emma and Daniel are back together.
J: So?
M: ... What do you mean so?! Because of us they broke up so you can date Emma and I can date Daniel. And now they are dating again. We have to do something about this.
J: Listen Mia. I think we should let them be.
M: But you were the one who came to me and wanted to break them up. Why did you change your mind? And so quickly, it's been like 2 days.
J: Things more important have been happening in my life.
M: But.. You- Ugh whatever! I just do this myself.
Just like that, she left my house. And I just realized Jessie was still here.
Je: What did she mean by you broke Emma and Daniel up?! Whoever they are, Jax you have no right to mess with people's lives!!
J: Jessie,I know I'm not supposed to mess with people's lives. And I don't want to be a bad influence on you, so there is some explaining I have to do to some people. And you are coming with me.

~ Text Convo~
Group chat: Emma😊, Daniel😒, Andi💀, and Jax😉.
Jax😉: Hey guys can we meet somewhere tomorrow. I want to talk about something.
Emma😊: Hi Jax, and um sure I'm ok with it.
Andi💀: 👍
Daniel😒: Whatever. But where?
Jax😉: Em, your house? At 3?
Emma😊: Yeah.
Daniel😒: Sure
Andi💀: K
Jax😉: Alright bye.
~End Of Text Convo~
J: We are going to Emma's house tomorrow at 3. And you'll meet more friends.
Je: Ok.
I went upstairs to my room. I have a lot of explaining to do to Emma, Daniel, and Jessie.
Andi's POV:
I'm pacing back and fourth my room. I have to tell Emma. Wait but she'll get mad. I mean Jax is her ex. And I have to see both of them tomorrow. I'll feel super guilty. I went to Emma's. I went inside and saw her and Mr. A.

Mr. A: Hey Andi. You wanna join us for dinner?
A: Sure but can I talk to Em for a sec?
E: Sure, let's go to my room.
We walked to her room.
E: Did you find out why Jax broke me and Danny up?
A: Um... Yeah. But that's not what I want to talk about yet.
E: Oh... Then what?
A: Ok, I was in Jax's house and he explained and I got mad at him so I turned away from him and when I turned back, we were really close to each other and- um... We were caught up in the moment and we kinda sorta.. Kissed...
I hesitated a lot telling her that. But then I talked really fast after.
A: I'm so sorry Em. I know he is your ex and it's like girl code to not miss your best friend's ex.
E: I'm... So... happy for you!
A: What?!
E: When me and Jax weren't dating and even when we were, I thought you guys always had a connection, they way you guys hanged out with each other and the way you guy's argued. It was like a couple and it was cute.
A: So you are ok with us kissing?
E: Yeah. I'm even good if you guys date. Andi you don't need my permission of dating someone. I can't tell you who you can kiss even if it's my ex boyfriend.
A: Thanks Em.
E: No problem. So do you think you two will go out.
A: Doubt it.
E: Why not?
A: Cuz I don't know if Jax actually likes me. I don't eve. Know if I like Jax.
E: Well, you might find out when you see him tomorrow.
A: What do you mean?
E: If your nervous and happy to see him, then you like him. And he will give a response.
A: K. Thanks Em.
Mr. A: Girls!!! Dinner.

We went to dinner an pd I thought about Jax and how I would feel tomorrow.

A/ N: So here is chapter 18. Will Jandi happen? What is Jax planning on telling Emma, Daniel, Andi and Jessie? Comment below. Hope you all like the chapter 😘.

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