This Plan is NOT Happening!

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Diego's POV:

I was at the 7 taking orders when Maddie called. She sounded serious but not "my nail broke serious" and that's bad but worse than that. I ran to Maddie's house. I got there within seconds. I opened the door really quick and went to the living room.

Di: Maddie, What's wrong?!
Ma: Mia.
Di: You made me run over hear because of Mia?!
Ma: No Proxy, it's bad. She wants to bring Evil Emma and the Evil- Ex Principal back...
What?! That's unbelievable....... And I'm terrified of the Principal.
Di: .... Wait! She can't they are both stuck in Limbo and it's basically impossible for a which to take someone out of Limbo. And she isn't one!
Ma: But she said I had to help her or she would hurt you. And I couldn't let that happen.
Di: Maddie, that's sweet but you don't have to do that.
Ma: Yes, I do Proxy. She is gonna take them out by using your cosmic trash can.
Di: WHAT?!
Ma: Yeah. We have to do it this Sunday.
Di: Well, c'mon we have to tell Emma, Andi, Jax, or Daniel.
Ma: NOOOO! Mia said if we do it it'll be "the end of both of us".
Di: Well she had this pretty planed out... Oh we can tell the Council.
Ma: No Proxy. We have to go with it.
Di: What? Maddie are you brain washed, do you have the seal on Mia? Don't you understand that if E and Ms. Torrez come back the world is basically domed?!
Ma: No I know but I mean, go with it and we have to find a way to- I HAVE A PLAN!!
Di: What is it?!
Ma: We ask Demma and Jandi to come on Sunday but a little after Mia comes. But we have a spell to get rid of E, The Principal, and Mia. But it's not just Emma casting the spell, it's Emma, Jax and me. That's a which, wizard and Chosen One, it's bound to work! And boom. They're all gone and we are all happy.
Di: Maddie that's... A really good plan.
Ma: I know.
She flipped her hair after saying that. Then took her phone and texted someone.
Di: Who are you texting?
Ma: My Panthers. We need a spell and they can help to find it.
Di: Ok.
While we waited we took all of Maddie's Magic books and took them to the living room. When we finished, the Panthers came through the door.
K: We're here! What do you need us to do?
Ma: Help Us find a spell.
K: For what?
Ma: Well... Mia is trying to bring back E and the Principal.
K: We have to tell Emma!
S: Yeah she can help.
Ma: No, Mia said we can't tell Emma, Daniel, Andi, or Jax! And if we do we are toast.
K: So...... What's the plan?
Ma: Find a spell for me, Jax and Emma to cast. Once Mia comes, we text them. They come in, we tell then what spell to cast and bam. Mia is gone with E and the Principal.
S: Good Plan.
K: Yeah.
Di: So, Let's get to it.
We searched in every book in Maddie's house and we couldn't find a correct spell.

Ma: Ugh! This is no use! We'll never find a good spell!!
Di: Yes we will. We can ask Jax for books. We can ask Emma for the Hex. Even the Council.
Ma: How will the Council help?
Di: You are the "Liberator Of the Council".
Ma: Its a Made-up title.
Di: That they agreed on. So let's go to the council.
I stood up and put my hand out for her to grab it.
Ma: You mean now?
I nodded my head.
Ma: Its to late now Proxy- Let's do this tomorrow. After school. Ok?
Di: Yeah. Goodnight Maddie.
I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Ma: Night Proxy.
I walked out to my house. Hoping to find something tomorrow. I'm not doing this only for Maddie or me. It's for Daniel since he loves Emma and wants to protect her and for Andi since she surprisingly likes Jax so I hope she wants to protect him too. So I'm doing this for my friends. This plan is not gonna happen. I have to make sure it doesn't. Even thought it involves me. And even if it kills me!

A/N: HEY GUYSS!!!! Omg it feels like it's been forever since I updated. And I'm soooo sorry it's that's school started yesterday so I was getting ready last week and all. So since school started for me, I am doing to update much less. I'm sorry. Also I feel like I'm going to stop writing this story. I feel like you guys don't like it. Since I got get many favorites or comments. So should I stop the story or continue it? Comment below.  I also made this chapter regular amount. Sorry about that. Like I said school and thinking about stoping the book. But hope you all like the chapter. OH. ONE MORE THING. Idk when the next time I will update will be. It might be 3 days.. A week... 2 weeks.. Idk. I'll try to write another chapter really soon. But I think, I'm not sure... But I might be writing once a week. Maybe less... Sorry guys but school comes first. Anyways that's it for now Byee!

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