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" i cant believe they act the way they do " Kaylee said to Sodapop.
" Maybe there just stressed out" Soda responded.
" Its so rude and disrespectful "
" Lets just enjoy a good meal and talk about it later " Sodapop said as he openes up the door for everyone to walk in.

" What do you want Alecia , im paying for you " Ponyboy asked
" Its okay i can pay for myself "
" No i am paying "
" Well in that case just a vanillia milkshake and a basket of fries "
She said while grabbing on to his hand.
Ponyboy walked over to the register to order.
" Hello what can i get you to "
" Um just a large Vanilla Milkshake and a Basket of fries please "
" Okay your total is $1 " a man named tony told ponyboy.
Ponyboy handed the man the dollar and him and Alecia waited for Kaylee and Sodapop to order.
" What do you want? "
" it dosent matter " Kaylee said
" Can we get to cherry cokes and a basket of fries "
" Yes that will be 50 cents "
Soda handed him the money and they sat with Alecia and Ponyboy.
" I really dont even think they care i bailed them out " Kaylee said sipping her cherry coke.
" Well technically you bailed them out with your fathers money " Ponyboy said quietly under his breath while eating a french fry.
" Why dont you just shut your mouth for once Ponyboy " Kaylee said while raising her voice.
Ponyboy stood up and the tone in his voice got deep.
" All everyone ever tells me is to keep my mouth shut just because im younger then ya'll , I never see you guys yelling at Alecia not saying you should but why is it always me! "
" Because PonyBoy you always have to bring up use less information and never mind your buisness "
Ponyboy looked at Alecia seeing if she would defend him.
" Alecia tell your boyfriend to calm it im all ready in a bad mood and dont need a fourteen year old to make it any worse "
" Alecia why dont you tell your bestfriend to shut up for once "
" God damn it why cant ya'll just get along for one damn minute " Alecia said flipping the basket of fries on the table and walking out of the burger shop.
" Ya'll need to knock it off , Kaylee he is my brother and you guys fight way to much and its stressing Alecia and I out because its not like we can choose sides because its gonna hurt the other person one way or another , Ponyboy go on and find Alecia we'll meet you at the house in a while "
" Alright Soda "
Ponyboy jogged out the door going to find her.
" Im sorry Soda " Kaylee said
" Yea i know both ya'll are but you hate admitting it "
Ponyboy finally caught up
to Alecia and grabbed her arm.
" Ali wait up " Ponyboy said
" Im so tired of ya'll fighting over the stupidest thing and its constantly Ponyboy and im not choosing sides with you to thats totally not in my future " Alecia told Ponyboy as she started walking back to the burger shop.
" Hey " Ponyboy yelled
Alecia stopped in her tracks. Ponyboy has never yelled at her like that.
" I dont want you to choose between anyone , I love you and you dont need to be stressed like this and i know Soda is to. Ill keep my thoughts to myself from now on okay "
Pony said as he grabbed onto Alecia's hand.

Alecia didnt say much on the way back she just was thinking about life.
Ponyboy opened the door and they walked back in and sat down.
" Im soryy Ponyboy " Kaylee instantly said.
" Yea me to "
" Come on Alecia ill buy you new fries" Sodapop said motioning for her to go with him.
It was just Ponyboy and Kaylee.
" Look i know i can be sorta a bitch at times but its just i keep anger in sometimes from like Dallas and Madison and just life in general , i guess i just get annoyed with you and i let all of my anger out by arguing with you , Your like the annoying little brother i never wanted ya know? "
kaylee said smiling.
" Well yea your the annoying older sister i wish never existed "
Ponyboy fought back.
" Look kid , I could go at this with you all day but just know im sorry "

Kaylee isnt very sentimental. She is the total opposite of Alecia.
Alecia is more loving and soft like Johnny but intimidating and you just dont mess with her.

Sodapop and Alecia came back with the fries and they four started talking.
Heartbreak Hotel started playing and everyone knows thats Alecia's favorite Elvis song known to mankind.

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