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PonyBoy and Alecia arrived to the little corner store moments later.
" Lets get some Chips " PonyBoy suggested. " Grab some Pepsi would ya?" Ponyboy asked Alecia. About 45 minutes went by and they brought everything to the cashier. " Where are ya'll youngins goin with all this?" The old lady asked while scanning everything. " Well were just goin to a buddy of mines house for a couple nights " Ponyboy said while rubbing the back of his head and shoving his hands quickly into his pockets. " This sure a lot of stuff for a couple nights " the old lady went to the back to get a couple more bags and turned up her radio as she shuffeled back to the counter. " Recently reported Ponyboy and Sodapop curtis Alecia Cade and Kaylee Valence have been missing for the past 3 days and have not been seen anywhere in Tulsa , from witnesses it seems they have gone with Madison Valence And Dallas Winston if you have seen any of these people please call your local police station so we can get them home safe " PonyBoy looked at Alecia and sighed. " Kids today " the old woman said as she put the last thing of coke in a bag for them. " That will be 45 dollars sir " Ponyboy reached in his pocket and handed the little old woman the fifty. " Keep the change " PonyBoy said while grabbing the last bag and quickly walking out of the store and down the street. " PonyBoy we are gonna get caught and ya'll are gonna get put in a boys home and ill never see you again " " Hey hey dont talk that way ill speak to dally about it ok " Out of no where you heard the screeching tires of Dallas red convertible and pulling right in front of them. " Ponyboy put that stuff in the back and you to get in the car did ya'll hear what was on the radio come on we gotta go " Dallas yelled while he hit the side of his car. The little old lady came out to the side of Dallas's car. " Umm hello sir may i ask your name?" " Whats you?" " Well i was just asking because these kid were alone " " Well im Dally.. Dallas winston" he said as he did a burn out
and drove off. She went as fast as she could back into her store and called the cops. " Hello?" The man said " Hello yes those kids who are missin were all at my store it looks like they are goin North " she explained to the cop. " Thank You miss its a big help." " Dallas whats going on i thought there was a house we were goin to?" PonyBoy asked
" The cops are on a search for all of us we cant stay any where they are gonna be on the look out for us everywhere " Dallas replied " This is all my fault " PonyBoy said tearin up
" Dont say that " Sodapop said while pullin on his shoulder. " No No Soda we are gonna get put in a boys home and its all gonna be my fault " Dallas slammed on the brakes and stopped the car dead center in the road. He turned around and said " Damn it PonyBoy i swear if you start with this my fault shit i will take you straight back to Tulsa faster then you can blink " Dallas screamed at PonyBoy
PonyBoy went to say something but just leaned closer to Alecia and closed his eyes trying to make the tears go away. " Look now Dallas that was the most uncalled bullshit i have ever heard in my life now if ya'll want to lets go back to Tulsa lets go etheir way we are still Greasers we are still just plan old basic Runaways if we go we are doin it for the sake of Pony and Soda " kaylee said to Dally
" No Kaylee Dallas is right i need to stop " He said sitting up wiping his tears. Dallas shook his head and started the car back up and continued on his way. " Cant you just be a little sentimental for once Dallas" Kaylee snarled at Dally. " Why be sentimental for people when no one his for me except one person" After Dallas said that everyone just got quiet. About an hour later the car came to a calm stop. " What are we doin here?" Madison asked as Dallas pulled up to a Dine in. " Were getting food what the hell does it look like?" He said as he started lighting up a cigarette. " Im freezing " Ponyboy said as he rubbed his arms quickly to try to warm them. " Well Mr runaway maybe if you werent so stupid you would of grabbed a jacket before you took off " Dallas was still a little ticked off with PonyBoy. " I can never catch a break " Ponyboy whispered as he got out of the car. " Im goin for a walk" " Im going with you " Soda said
Soda and Pony just walked around the lot for awhile before Sodapop finally said " PonyBoy i think maybe it would be best if we just went home already" " I know i know i just dont wanna be with Darry" Ponyboy said as he kicked a small rock with his foot. " We can work on things " " Soda we all use to get along so well before mom and dad died now Darry can't stand me"
" Its not that PonyBoy he just has so much goin on and its probably not easy to take care of 2 kidbrothers like us at his age , and Pony you need and Alecia need to get back into school anyways " " Ill just drop out Soda and be able to help Darry out with the money like you did " " Dont drop out PonyBoy because i did im dumb " " No you're not " Ponyboy told soda. " Yes i am PonyBoy thats why i dropped out but you need to stay in school only 3 more years kid "
Ponyboy just shook his head. " Come on pony lets go tell Dallas and the gang about everything "
PonyBoy was real nervous to tell Dallas that he chickened out and was ready to go on home already. " Dally i think we ought of go on home " Soda said to dallas. " What " " Look Dallas we gotta get on home this was just to much we went to far and need to see Darry whatcha say " Dallas leaned against his car door and sighed. " Alright fine i guess why not" he said as he got in the car and slamed the door. Ponyboy and Soda got back into Dallas's car and they were on their way back to Tulsa..

Runaways // Outsiders Fanfic \\Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ