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Its was very early in the morning when Ponyboy was woke up by the sounds of the tree branches hitting the window. He rubbed his eyes and sat up to see nothing but pure darkness and a little body next to him. Its was 4:30 in the morning so it was to early to make breakfast or do anything. The sunrise is suppose to be rising soon Ponyboy thought to himself. Ponyboy got up and went into the kitchen and started to make a pot of coffee.
" What are you doing up right now PonyBoy?" Sodapop asked as he walked over to him. " What are you doing up right now?" Ponyboy told Soda.
" I got to get ready for work "
" This early?" Ponyboy asked
" Well i took the early shift at the DX so i can go on with Kaylee to bail Dally and Madison out " Sodapop said as he sat at the table.
" What about Darry?" PonyBoy said as he poured him and Soda a cup of coffee.
" He should be up any minute he has to take Steve and I to work and then he will go to work at the normal time and ill meet Kaylee at the jailhouse to bail Dally and Madison out "
" What about Alecia and I?"
" PonyBoy you have stayed home alone before i think ya'll will be fine " Sodapop stated.
" I know but i didnt know if you wanted us to go "
" I mean you can if you want "
" Its going to be a long day " Ponyboy said has he took another sip of his coffee.
" Why is that?" Soda asked
" There no way i'll be able to go back to sleep and waking Alecia is like waking a dragon you don't do it "
" Ponyboy why dont you go lay back down if ya'll are still asleep when i get off work then ill wake you up and we can go get Dally and Madison " Soda said as he took PonyBoys coffee away and poured it down the sink.
" Alright Have a good day then Soda"
" Thanks Pony "
Ponyboy made his way back to his bedroom and laid back on the bed trying to find a comftable position.
" PonyBoy are you ok " a little sleepy voice said.
" Yea im alright ive just been awake and cant go to sleep "
" Count sheep "
" Yea yea all right "
" one , two , three , four " Ponyboy said as he yawned.
By the time PonyBoy hit 7 he was fast asleep.

Now it was about 9 o'clock a reasonable morning time. PonyBoy stretched and sat up only to see nobody in the bedroom. He got up and slowly walked into the living room. " Goodmornin PonyBoy " Darry said as he made some eggs. " Goodmorning , Where are the girls?"
" There out on the porch "
Ponyboy walked outside and sat by Alecia.
" Wow nice hair Pony " Kaylee said as she took a sip of her coffee.
" Cut it out "
" No wonder you and Alecia are together ya'll both look like dead lions when you wake up " Kaylee said while chuckling.
" Alecia looks fine " PonyBoy said
" Well yea PonyBoy we have been up since at least 5:30 " Alecia said
" Why didnt you wake me up?" He questioned.
" Whats the reason she has me " Kaylee stated.
" Well are you dating her? No "
" Kaylee what time is bail posted?" Alecia asked to change the subject.
" 10 "
" Hey why is Darry still here?" ponyboy  asked
" Darry starts at 10 today  " Kaylee stated
" Who's gonna get Soda from the Dx?  "
" he is meeting us at the jail " , Alecia are you still coming?"kaylee said
" Yes forsure.. Pony are you gonna come?" Alecia asked
" Yea of course "
" Ya'll get ready i wanna leave in like 10 minutes "
" Come on " PonyBoy said to Alecia motioning for her to get up.
" Could you carry me? thats a lot of effort to stand up and walk " Alecia said
PonyBoy smiled and said
" Your a little old for this " he said while picking her up.
" Yea but im the baby here in this household so it's acceptable"
PonyBoy carried her into the bedroom and threw her on the bed.
" What are you gonna wear?" PomyBoy asked.
" Why?"
" Because I need to know what clothes to get out of MY drawer for you "
" Oh well in that case a black tanktop please "
Ponyboy threw one of his shirts at her.
" Ya know you have clothes to "
" I do but i dont " she said kissing his cheeck. " Come on ill be outside " she said smiling.
Ponyboy slipped a black shirt over his head and put his pants and converse on before walking back outside.
" I wonder how Madison is doing " Kaylee said
" She's probably frightend and mad considering her shit boyfriend got her into this mess "  Alecia said.
It was about a 15 minute walk before they arrived at the jailhouse.
When they got there Sodapop was sitting on the steps waiting for them. He quickly got up and went to kaylee.
" ive checked the bail and its $250 each for a moment i thought ya'll werent coming "
" Well if Alecia didnt wanna wait for PonyBoy to wake up we could of been here sooner... come on lets go get Dally and Madison " Kaylee told Sodapop.
The four walked into the jail. It was quiet cold and smelt like death.
" Can i help you?" a younger man asked.
" I need to bail someone out "
" Right this way "
The man lead them further down the hall.
" Just wait here for Melissa and she will tell you what to do " he said while smiling.
" Thank you "
Moments later a woman came and asked who they were bailing out today.
" Dallas Winston and Madison Valence " Kaylee told Melissa
" That dirty ol greaser Dallas.. He has been here so many times it's unbelievable and this time he brought his poor innocent girlfriend along with him , its real sad how much times have changed " Melissa said while typing on her computer.
" Ok the bail for both of them will be $500 even "
" Here you go " Kaylee said handing her then money.
" They will have you go and wait outside in the waiting area and here is their court papers they have a hearing next week at 3:30 "
" Thank you "
Melissa lead them outside and they waited for Dallas and Madison.
" Being in there was sorta a different feeling " Ponyboy said while rubbing his arms.
" What do you mean?" Sodapop asked
" It just felt weird you could feel the anger in there "
Right as PonyBoy said the Dallas and Madison came through the door.
" Lets go " Kaylee said.
" Thank you Kaylee it means a lot " Madison said trying to hug her.
" Yea yea i know "
" Now why are you so sour " Dallas said smirking.
" Yea arent you a little happy to see me?" Madison asked leaning against Dallas.
" Excuse me im not happy to see you i just bailed you out of jail and that wasent a happy moment for me and if you think it was your wrong because both of you belong in jail but i bailed you out and you guys arent even grateful " Kaylee yelled while walking away.
The gang slowly followed as they sensed the anger coming from Kaylee.
" Its gonna be ok " Sodapop said
" Yea right " Kaylee said
" Come on lets go on and get some food or something " Alecia intended
" That sounds good " Sodapop said
" Lets go to Eddie's Burgers its not to far from here " Pony said.
" Yea that sound real good" Kaylee said as they all started walking to the burger place..

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