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Nobody really said anything on the 5 hour ride home to Tulsa considering Dallas was scarier when he was mad. Sodapop and PonyBoy didnt really know what to expect the minute they get home. Dallas pulled up at Alecia's and said " Ya'll get out of my car " Everyone was silence and highly confused by Dally's comand. " Now!" He said raising his voice and hitting the side of her car. Everyone jumped out of the car as quickly as they could except Madison. " Madison dont stay with him " Kaylee said
" Im older than you i make my decisions im going with Dallas " Madison stated. Dallas sped off when she finished her sentence. " Do you want us to go with you to see Darry?" Alecia asked " I think it would be better if ya'll do " PonyBoy stated The 5 minute walk from Alecia's to The Curtis brothers home seemed like it took ages to get there. Soda took a deep breath and opened the gate. " I think we better just stay out on the porch " kaylee stated " No please go with us " Sodapop asked
Ponyboy was clenching onto Alecia's hand very hard as Soda opened the front door. " Were here Darry" Soda yelled out. Darry came running out of his bedroom and hugged Sodapop harder than ever. " Good to see ya'll arent dead some where " Darry said to kaylee as he hugged her also.
" Alecia!" Darry said as he pulled her away from Ponyboy and hugged her tight " Stay here from now on ok please" He asked. He looked at Ponyboy and started to tear up. Ponyboy ran to Darry and hugged him tightly. " PonyBoy i thought i lost ya'll like mom and Dad " he said hugging him back. " I love you " " I love you to Darry" " Wheres Dallas and Madison?" Darry asked concerend. " Well him and Madison left maybe home maybe somewhere else but he was upset we wanted to come back so who knows if they woll return tonight or not  " Sodapop said while taking a seat on the couch.
" Ponyboy im real sorry about the other night i was drunk stressed everything really"
" i sorta deserved it " Ponyboy said
" No you didnt and i've quit drinkin "
" That fast?" Alecia said
" Reality hit me and no damn alcohol is worth losing my family over and Sodapop and Ponyboy no more fighting from now on alright "
" Alecia you can stay here full time ok"
" Really? " Ponyboy said smiling
" Yes she's my little sister i've only been raisin her 13 years " he said laughing
" Kaylee same for you i know are house is small but as long as you 4 are safe it will work "
" Thank for offering Darry but i can't leave Madison " kayee responded
" Why is that? She already up and left with Dallas" Sodapop told her
" Ya but she is my sister and im goin with her till im 18 i promised "
" Alright " Soda replied
" Alecia go on home and get what ever you need we are starting now " Darry said standing up
" Kaylee stay here tonight just till we know Madison is home "
" Alright "
Alecia , PonyBoy and Darry walked down to her house to get her things.
" Whats that?" Ponyboy asked as he tore the note off the door. 
" Get Your stuff out tonight or go down with the house tommrow when we tear it down  " PonyBoy read off.
" This is ridiculous " PonyBoy said ripping the paper up.
Alecia opened up the door and everything was tore up and moved around. The couch her and PonyBoy slept on is now gone. Alecia just walked to her room ans started grabbing her clothes and pictures.
" Here PonyBoy can you take this "
Alecia asked as she handed him a heavy nice decorated box.
" Alecia whats in here he asked as he set it on the kitchen counter "
" Its uh Johnny's stuff i kept everything when he stopped comin on home they were gonna throw it out but i made that box and put everything in it and had it shoved in the back of my closet "
" May i go threw it " PonyBoy asked
" Wait till we get on back to your place we can all go threw it "
" Ok "
Alecia folded all of her clothes and put them in her bag and all her pictures on the wall into a bag then she grabbed Johnny's jacket out from under her pillow and said
" Alright ya'll lets go " Alecia said weakly
" Whats a matter?" Darry asked as he set a bag down.
" Nothin its nothing lets get on home"
Darry looked at PonyBoy and mouthed "what happen."
" I dont know " he mouthed back
The 3 returned back to the Curtis Brothers home. " Kaylee are you sure you dont wanna get your stuff " Soda asked
" Let me sleep on it and if none of us hear from Dallas Or Madison by tommrow then yea ill do it " Kaylee said taking a sip of her coke.
" Great " Sodapop said kissing her cheek and getting up to grab a coke for him.
" How are we all gonna fit in Sodapop and PonyBoys room " Alecia asked as she laid on the floor.
" Well we have the pull out bed under Soda's and Pony's and you can set in on the futon frame and it will work"
" Sleeping wise?" Sodapop asked
" Yes ya'll can sleep together but any funny buisness and skin both of you "
" No funny buisness " Ponyboy and Sodapop mocked and then high fived eachother.
Alecia and Kaylee gave them a dirty look and went outside to the porch.
" Im not kidding you to now lets go set up the room " Darry told them as he picked up a bag and started towards the room.
" Lets do this quick , Alecia has a box of Johnny's things and she said we could all go threw it " PonyBoy said as he pushed the frame on the other side of the wall.
"  I sure miss that kid " Sodapop said
" Dont we all " Darry included
The phone rang so Kaylee went an answered it
" Hello "
" Kaylee get the gang out to the lot now!" Dallas said
As he hung up you could hear sirens in the background. She ran to the back room and said  " Ya'll Dallas is in trouble we gotta get to the lot "
Everyone took off to the lot only to see when they arrived Dallas was falling back into his criminals ways but this time he was taking Madison with him...

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