Chapter 19

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Maka's POV

My mother took me home after I fell asleep and stayed throughout the night with me. I figured this out when she woke me for a late lunch. I was still in my clothes from the other day and I didn't smell the best either, but I sat down at the table and ate in silence with mother.

Her cooking was amazing as always and it filled my cold body with needed warmth. She took my plate and put in in the sink to soak for a bit and sat back down next to me, "I was wondering if we could have a mother to daughter talk about what happened yesterday.."

I looked away from her but nodded my head, "I know i haven't been around you enough to know how you act, but I know from experience how most people act when they're in love." I kept from looking at her to hide the blush across my face but it was pointless.

"Maka, you have feelings for him don't you?" I turned to look at her. I slowly nodded my head again and she smiled slightly and hugged me. "How about you go take a warm shower and get some more rest, and then we'll go and visit him, ok?"

I smiled and hugged her again, "That sounds nice."


Maka awoke just as the sun was starting to set. She quickly put on a halfway decent outfit and ran into the living room. Her mother left her a note saying that she tried to wake her, but Maka was fast asleep. It also said that Kid had woken up and that she was free to she him as soon as she woke up. Maka, after finishing the letter, dropped the paper and ran out the door.

She wasn't even halfway to the school when her sore legs started to give up on her. She stopped and rested at the bottom of the stairs to the DWMA. Her lungs told her to stop but her heart said otherwise (Sappy, I know ^_^'). She caught her breath and started up the stairs.

She kept on running up the stairs and through the almost empty school, following a random path that lead her down hallways and up more stairs until she finally came to a door. Maka stopped again, leggings aching, lungs burning.

Maka looked up and reached for the door knob. The door was clearly old and looked slightly rusted, so she wasn't surprised when the door made a loud creaking noise alerting anyone in the other room that she was entering the room.

Looking into the room, Maka was greeted by thousands upon thousands of dusty boxes, some even starting to grow mold. She turned and shut the door behind her and started to make her way through the boxes. She noticed how some were labeled 'kitchen' and 'dinning room', and even a few with 'Kid and Asura's room'.

Maka stopped as she came to a parting of the boxes and her heart immediately sped up. Kid was standing, looking out an open balcony window. Kid turned and looked at her and smiled. The sun had almost set, giving Kid a golden glow to him, while the warm breeze ruffled his uncut hair.

"So you found my hiding place. Even my father doesn't know about this one." Kid stood up straight and put his back to the window. "You told me to meet you here after you were all better, so, here I am," Maka blushed and rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Hmm." Kid walked over to Maka and handed her a small box, "This is for you."

Maka looked at the kid and then to the box. She took it carefully in her hands and started to unwrap it. As she was doing so, Kid walked back over to the window and watched her open the gift. Maka opened the lid of the box which revealed a beautiful necklace in the shape of a skull. It  was made purely of black and white diamonds. "Kiddo... It's beautiful!" Maka looked back up at Kid who blushed, "Where did you even get this!?"

"Well, my father gave it to me. He said that it's been passed down through the family, from son to their wife, and then wife to son and so on. My father said he never gave it to anyone because he was forced to marry someone, so he gave it to me." Kid looked away as Maka started to smile.

"Kid?" Kid looked back at Maka again who had her back to him, "Do you mind helping me put it on?" Kid nodded his head and carefully took the necklace from her. He hooked the necklace up in back and just as he was about to speak, Maka turned around.

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Kid's eyes went wide but soon closed them. He put his own arms around her waist, and started to kiss back. When they broke for air, they were both blushing.

Kid smiled and kissed her on the cheek and invited her to sit on the balcony together. Maka walked over with him and allowed Kid to help her up. He then jumped up too and cradled her in his arms. Maka looked out the balcony and smiled.


"Yes Maka."


"I want to be with you. Forever."

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