I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Daydream

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Kidou's POV
I've been waiting here for 15 minutes already and she's not here yet. Damn! I should've taken Gouenji's advice.

'Girls take WAY TOO MUCH time dressing up.'

Well, I've learned my lesson. I waited another five minutes until I heard my name being called.


When I looked to where it came from I swear to the heavens I can die with no regrets now. Sh!t. She looks so cute! So innocent.

Calm down Kidou. Just do what you always do in the field. There's always a way around things.

When I looked at her again I began to notice the little details about her. Her hair is so soft, so smooth. Her skin so pale an-.


Stop it! You can't go goo-goo eyes with her. You'll lose the bet. Great, now I'm starting to talk to myself.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry I'm l-late Kidou-kun." She said while holding her knees and catching her breath. Once she did she straightened herself up and gave me a beautiful smile.


What's this feeling? Why's my heart beating so fast?! I felt my face getting hotter and I turned away from her so she wouldn't see the blush.

Damn it! She's making me feel strange..........in a good way, that is.

Amelie's POV
No fair! Author-chan didn't make my POV first!

(Quit acting like a baby, Melie. I didn't have enough sleep as it is.)

*sulks* Fine. Anyways, I was running to our meeting place in a girly, innocent, and totally sports-free kinda gal. Which made me look like I'm weak at physical activities, which I'm totally NOT.

I finally saw him and yelled his name in a girly kinda way. When I saw the blush on his cheeks I inwardly smirked.

Strike 1

I 'pretended' to look like I was tired of running and began stuttering. He turned beet red and I knew that he'd fall for me sooner than later.

Our first destination was a Market. One: What the fvck? I though he would take me to some fancy restaurants, fancy stores, fancy places. But I NEVER expected he would take me here. Yet, it seemed fun.

Smooth moves genius. Smooth moves.

He went inside a store full of accessories and my eyes began to widen. Why?

Cuz they were so fudgin CUTE!!!!!

"Thank you."

"Please come again, sir."

I saw him heading towards me so I gave him a smile. He handed me a small cute packet and I stared at him curiously.

"Open it. It's my present to you."

I opened it and I was completely speechless. It was beautiful. It was like a gift my knight would give to me in my dreams.

"Kidou-kun, I-."

He let his finger shut my mouth and he grabbed the necklace. He put it on me and let me look at it. When I saw my reflection it looked like my outfit was complete.

I was happy. And that means...
Just a tad bit more everyone.
A kiss on Kidou-kun's
Free dots to name everyone.
Annoying aren't I? Well, I dun care!

Did you guys really think I would kiss him on the lips? Well sorry to disappoint you but I can't let them kiss...........yet. Not until it was time. And by the looks of his face I just took...

Strike two.

One more and I win the bet. We left the shop and explored more. I actually got to see more sides of Kidou-kun instead of the usual serious, smirking, genius on the field.

He would actually crack a joke. Have a tickle AND ice cream fight. Play tag. Scare me to death (literally). And actually have a good time.

Although I have this feeling at the back of my head that someone's been following us ever since the start of the date. Oh well! Must be my imagination.

At the end of the date he took me to the park and let me sit on the bench with him wrapping his arms around me and me leaning on him.

He was fidgeting from time to time so I guess he doesn't know what to do next. I secretly looked at the time.

2 minutes left. It's almost 2 o'clock.

I guess I should act fast. I gave a big sigh. And stood up. I walked down to the hill and held out my hand to him which he took. I led him down to the lake to watch it sparkle in the sunlight.

Then I gave him a big hug letting my body squish to his.

"Thank you Kidou-kun. I've had the best time. And to show that I'm really thankful I'll give you my gift."

I kissed him.

On. The. Lips.

He was shocked at first but later closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Surprisingly his lips were soft. He tried to deepen the kiss by putting my arms around his neck with his left hand on my nape and his right hand on my hips.

Strike three. You're out.

But unfortunately for him, his time was up. Cinderella much?

I broke the kiss as soon as my alarm went off. I returned to my impassive face and said.

"Time's up Kidou-san. Now if you'll excuse me, it's Gouenji-san's turn."

I turned and walked away from him while he was left standing there with his mouth open and a shocked look on his face.

Don't mess with Princess Delphinium Amelia Rose de Cortriezz.

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