Your Butt Just Got Beat XD

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Amelie's POV
Yay! I get all the POVs! Jk! Of course I won't get all of them but I'll definitely get most since, of course I'm the star. Alright since I finished the authograph signing, drama, nii-san's over protectiveness, and my very loud, annoying but completely enjoyable life, I'm able to practice now.

I woke up at 5 in the morning and did the usual routine then I began making food for the bottomless - i mean, nii-san's friends and the guys. After that I left for the Forbidden training room designed by Endou Daisuke himself. This was his birthday present for me back when I was 7 I think.... Oh well!

Let the training begin!

Kazemaru's POV
I can't believe it. Meli-chan actually knows these famous people and has been playing soccer ever since she was 5 behind mom's back. I guess that would explain the low grades, sleeping in class and at the house, and those times when she disappears.


Sometimes I don't even know her. She's my TWIN for fvck's sake! I've been a terrible older brother to her, least I could do was help her in soccer or in her studies. Problem is........I don't know where she is!

Great. Just. Great.

I saw Fideo-san, so I went to ask him.

"She's always in the Black Room this time of the day."

Black Room? She knows about that room? How?

"I just hope she doesn't destroy it again." He murmured the last part a bit softer so I just ignored it.

"C'mon, I'll come with you. But, just a bit of warning: You might be scared as hell."

Huh? Why would I be anywhere near scared of my little sister? I quickly dismissed my thoughts and followed Fideo-san to the Black Room. On the way we met up with the rest of the world-wide famous football players, though it's kinda weird hanging out with them for a bit.

"We're here."

Dylan opened the door and what I saw inside shocked me to the very core.
The whole room was destroyed.......

.......and Meli was there in the middle.............

......with a maniacal smile on her face.

Her eyes were in a darker shade than usual, the ball she probably used had lots of holes on it, and her surroundings.....

"Mel-chan! We told you again and again, DON'T destroy the fields, rooms, or anything/anyone when playing soccer!" Fideo shouted.

"Hehehe.......gomen Fideo-kun. Ah! Nii-chan! What are you doing here? Where you gonna use this room? Sorry, I kinda made a dent in some parts."

Kinda made?! Dent?! That is certainly not just a dent.

"Lilie, they won't be able to fix this again if you break it one more time." Teres said with a bit of a smirk on his face.

"Don't worry. Right now, I'm starved. Let's go to dining room to get some dinner!"

We followed Melie to the dining room although now I'm a bit scared of her. Well, this is some sh!t. I think I just got my à$$ beat by lil' sis.

Yay!! I'm a soccer princess! But where's my prince?Where stories live. Discover now