Chapter 6

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Yi Ahn was a little surprised when he saw Eun Bi and Tae Kwang together. For some reason, he felt annoyed. He knew he of all people shouldn't be feeling annoyed because himself is kinda-sorta cheating on her by still liking Eun Byul. He suddenly realised that he was staring at them and straightened up.

It was only after they reached the Bus stop Gong Tae Kwang realised what Eun Bi was staring at. Eun Bi felt Tae Kwang stiffen behind her.

" So, since I walked you the bus stop, I'll get going now." said Tae Kwang.

"uh? Oh.... Yeah" replied Eun Bi absent-minded.

After she watched his fading back dissappear from view, Eun Bi turned to Yi Ahn.

" Why did he walk you?"

" It was dark. So he offered to" she stammered.

"If you don't have to go home right now, can we talk Eun Bi?"


Gong Tae Kwang twisted and turned in his bed.

"What can they possibly talk about? " he thought with a frown.

" She is probably gonna break up with him" he said to himself gleefully.

"What if he changes her mind???? Aish!!!!!!! This is driving me crazy!" *Twists and turns while gripping hair in Frustration*


Eun Bi and Yi Ahn were sitting in a park

"Care to explain?"

It was time to tell him.

"Han Yi Ahn sorry. I'm really sorry. It's not going the way I want it to. It's just that..."

"So you're telling me now that you like Tae Kwang? After all this time? If that was the case, then you should've told me earlier. Why make mw wait? Why give me false hope? Why? " he interrupted.

He knew what he was doing was not not right.

But this was the girl for whom he injured himself. This was the girl for whom he did not bother about his swim meet and ran to save her. This was the girl for whom he ended with Eun Byul. This was the girl for whom he waited for six long months.

He thought that he would be the one to tell her this. He thought she might be a little sad. Not that he wanted her to be sad Ofcourse but still he was not happy to know that she changed her mind.

Both the sisters were driving him crazy.

His thoughts were a mess.


Eun Bi sat down and thought about the day.

She felt messed up.

Han Yi Ahn would also be feeling messed up. She could've sworn that he still like Eun Byul a little. But it seems like she was wrong.

Tae Kwang was obviously a mess. She knew that without talking to him or seeing him. She just knew him like that.

Something told her Eun Byul was also a mess.

Sh received a text from Tae Kwang asking if she was alright

She replied saying that she was okay and decided to sleep.


Eun Byul was on the way from the airport to her house. She didn't tell Eun Bi she is coming. She wanted to surprise her by coming a day earlier than planned. She had lots to tell her dongsaeng.

As she neared her house she spotted Yi Ahn out side.

He seemed to be waiting for Eun Bi.


Eun Bi received a text from Yi Ahn.

"Eun Bi come out for a second. I'm outside your house. I have something to tell you "

Eun Bi rushed downstairs and opened the door to her house and went out.

Outside she saw,

Han Yi Ahn

Eun Byul looking at Yi Ahn

Yi Ahn looking at her

Eun Byul looking at her with an expression she couldn't read

Yi Ahn turning to look at Eun Byul and then at her confused.

What is she to do now?


A/N: Yeah. I know it kinda Sucked. So give me some suggestions.

I know about the Yibi twist. But don't worry it's Taebi for life XD. I did that because I thought it was too short to end.

Vote and comment if you liked it. And please don't be a silent reader.

Love ya loads.


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