Chapter 1: Hurt

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*A/N: This is around episode 12, when the teacher traps Eun Bi and Yi Ahn takes her home- he is still angry with her though, for lying to him and Tae Kwang is thinking of confessing.*

Gong Tae Kwang sits in his room, trying to figure out what to say to her.......he fiddles with anything he can find and twists his fingers and then scratches his head, clearly annoyed. "Aish!!!!!!! This is so frustrating." he says to himself.He then picks his phone and looks at the picture of him and Eun Bi together, smiling like an ididot. "This is not going to work. I don't think any amount of practice is going to help. I'll just have to say what comes to my mind first when i see her." he sighs to himself and gets ready to get to school. He knew what he was going to do there. He was going to sit and stare at Eun Bi the whole day, making sure that stupid Kang So Young doesn't bother her. He liked protecting her, it gave him a sort of a pleasant feeling.

Meanwhile at school, Eun Bi was joking with Song Joo and Shi Jin, laughing happily. But inside, all she could think of was Han Yi Ahn and how she had lied to him and hurt him. A part of her was also worrying about So Young and what she was going to do now. She was totally regretting pretending to be Go Eun Byul. Nothing good had come out of it. Well......nothing good with the exception of Gong Tae Kwang. She felt she was so lucky to have had him protecting her all through her hard times. Without realising it, she similes when she thinks of him, her mind relaxing and forgetting all her troubles for a brief moment.

"Yah! Eun Byul, what are you thinking about that made you space out in the middle of our joke?" asked Song Joo nudging her with her elbows. "Uh? Oh.....nothing, I was just a little hungry." replied Eun Bi her face turning red. At that moment Han Yi Ahn enters the room and proceeds to sit in his place without even turning to look at Eun Bi. She tried her best not to show how hurt she was in front of her friends but din't do it well enough for them to not notice her. "Han Yi Ahn is acting a little weird these days, isn't he? Eun Byul-ah did you two fight?" asked Shi Jin turning to look at Eun Bi. "Mm yeah. We had an argument." she replied hoping it will cover it up but the disbelieving look on her friends' faces told her otherwise. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom and goes out.

Gong Tae Kwang comes up the corridor just in time to see Eun Bi walk away her face looking hurt. He goes inside the class room and notices Yi Ahn looking at her place and sighing. "Damn that guy" muttered Gong Tae and gave him a piercing look before lying down on his bench (which is right next to Yi Ahn's. lol)to sleep.

In the comfort room, Eun Bi washes her face and looks at the mirror, noticing Kang So Young coming out of one of the stalls to wash her hands (I just simply love their bathroom meetings. Don't you?). She too notices Eun Bi and smirks all over while coming next to her to wash her hands. "Looks like some is being ignored by their best friend" she said with mocking concern on her face. "Don't annoy me now Kang So Young. I'm not in the mood to fight with you now." replied Eun Bi going out. "I'll make you suffer like you made me!" called So Young after her fading back.

Tae Kwang saw Eun Bi running out of the rest room and he knew where she was going to go next- the rooftop! He goes up there and sits next to her not saying anything, just giving her space. He hears her draw quick breaths as if she is trying not to sob and he immediately turns away. They just sit there together, the silence speaking all that they couldn't.

*A/N: So. how was it? It'll get better as it goes on. I have focused only on the main characters in this chapter and will add the side ones as the story goes on. And also I'm thinking of adding the character point of view in the coming episodes. What do you think? Please let me know in comments. Like, vote and share if you liked it :)*

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