Chapter 11: Fallaver Town

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"So now what, Firea?"
Firea and Alex were walking down the hallway of the Inn, heading towards the stairway.
They both wore their clothing from before and Alex carried the enchanted golden-sword.
With his left hand he pushed open the door and started walking down the stairs with Firea at his side, as they went down the stairs and turned to go down more Firea responded,
"We're going to be on our way, moving towards the-"

"Hey guys!"
Tessa abruptly met the duo at the bottom of the stairs, right next to the wooden door.
"Oh, hey Tessa."
Firea smiled.

"Sorry for interrupting but could you guys help me out? I have a lot of stuff to carry to my horses but I'm afraid it will take too long on my own and I have to do a lot today."

Alex nodded,
"Uh, sure, is that okay with you Firea?"

Firea shrugged,
"Yeah, you lead the way Tessa."

Tessa, followed by Alex and Firea walked through the Inn's lobby and out the front doors. Outside of the Inn's entrance were about 5 chests and a suit of leather armor on the ground.

*  *  *

"There we go, all loaded up,"
Alex set down the last of Tessa's chests in a large wooden wagon.
The wooden wagon had a chair on the front of it and ropes attached to 2 brown horses.
"Thank you both,"
Alex and Firea nodded.
"Here's some repayment:"
Tessa held out a small cloth bag of gold. "There's 30 gold nuggets in all and good luck to you both, with everything."
Firea took the bag and tied it to her belt, which is hidden beneath the bottom of her hoodie.
"Oh, thank you for this, and good luck to you too!"

Tessa got up and sat on the seat of the wagon, then she grabbed the ropes and jerked them a tiny bit,
"We'll meet again guys!"

Alex and Firea waved as Tessa rode off and through the gates of Fallaver.

"We leaving now?"
Alex asked as they strolled down the brick road towards a four-way intersection.
Firea led him to the left road of the intersection,
"Yes, but first I need to get my sword."

"Your sword?"

"I left my Fire Sword hidden in this town. I have never really left my sword behind until recently because lately the Fire Wolf hunters have been out of control. I have had the sword my whole life but whenever I concealed myself it always kinda gave me away as a Fire Wolf, so I chose the safest town I knew and I hid the sword."

"Ah, I understand"

Alex followed Firea down the brick road and onto the grass to the left side.
They walked through the grass and towards a large mossy rock. Beneath the rock was a hole filled with many wet leaves.
Firea knelt down and pushed the wet leaves out of the hole, only to find nothing left,
"Where's my sword...?"

Alex could see that Firea looked very worried about losing this precious weapon.

Then both Alex and Firea heard quiet whispers and mumbles coming from behind the large rock. Upon going around the rock they found a young man wearing wiry glasses, sitting with his back against the rock, and in his hands, was a flaming sword.
He seemed fascinated with the sword, whispering; "amazing..." under his breath over and over again.

"Hey!" Firea quickly went to snatch the sword from the man's hands.
The man however, at first seemed unaware, showed a panicked look on his face but he held onto the handle of the sword tight.
Firea and the man both were pulling on the sword until finally it broke the man's grip and Firea tumbled backward while holding the fiery sword.

The man quickly got to his feet and pointed at her,
"What gives you the right to take that!"

Firea got up as well and looked like she was about to attack him,
"It's mine and I placed it there myself!"
Her red tail appeared to bush out a little and her wolf ears angled backwards.

The man looked rather scared,
He backed up until he bumped into the large rock,
"I didn't realize... I thought I found something research-worthy. I just needed a new idea for the
Advanced Tools and Weaponry of Science competition which is my only chance at doing something great in life, I'm sorry that I tried to take your sword."

Firea seemed more calm now and turned to face Alex, she walked over and whispered to him,
"Let's get going now."

Alex still hadn't taken his eyes off of the saddened man and he whispered back,
"Maybe we should help this guy, he looks troubled."

She sighed and replied,
"I really think we should just leave, we've been in this town for too long."

Alex shook his head and spoke a little louder than a whisper,
"Nonsense, I don't mind if we stay here a little longer, this man looks like he needs help, plus this place is beautiful."

"But Alex-"
Firea didn't look like she agreed at all, and Alex took a step towards the man,
"Excuse me sir, is it okay if we help you?"

The man looked immediately happier,
"Really!? I have so many plans but I need people to help me, this'll be perfect! Thank you both!"

Firea didn't smile nor frown, and Alex reached out and shook the hand of the thin man.
"It'll be our pleasure to help you."

* * *

Firea had her white hood up over her head and she walked in pace with Alex, while following the man.
She held out her sword which was a reddish-orange in color and looked almost like a normal sword in appearance. Aside from the color, it also had unique blades on the sides of the main blade of the sword jutting out which were also the reddish-orange.
It looked to Alex that she had gripped the sword's hilt tighter and small orange flames sprouted from the edges of the blade.

After a while of walking through town, the man came to a halt at a tall cobblestone tower.
"I will show you two, to my apartment, just follow me."
The trio now walked through double doors leading to a stairwell. Upon walking in is a wooden door and every 10 steps up the stairs, it flattens out and has another wooden door along the wall.
The young man led Alex and Firea up the wooden stairs to the second stop, then he turned and pushed open the wooden door.
He flicked a lever on the wall right by the door and the whole room lit up.
10 blocks tall and 20 blocks in width and length was a messy stone brick room. The whole room had tables full of books and papers. Alex assumed what was once a kitchen counter was full of metal and wood materials with sticks all over the floor. There was a stain-filled brown carpet that stretched the whole room and in the very far left corner was a bed with a green blanket. The bed however was covered in stacks of papers and some kind of tool Alex hadn't seen before. The ceiling was lined with bright lights, with a few not working. The room had strange tools and weapons hanging on the walls and oddly, no windows in sight.
"Sorry it's a mess, I don't get much company. At all."
The young man walked into the room and to the left wall where another door was, Alex assumed it was a closet.
Instead of going into the closet he grabbed a green book off of the floor,

"Now... Let's get started."

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