Chapter 9: Inn

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The large wooden gates of Fallaver town swung open without a sound, and as soon as Alex and Firea stepped through, the guards promptly shut them.
"It's beautiful."
Alex smiled at the town, lit only by the weird yellow blocks on the posts, and by torchlight from the homes.
There were little people strolling the brick road at this late night.
Firea and Alex walked over to a small cart full of bread at the beginning of the road with an old man standing next to it.
Once closer, Alex saw a large sign above the cart, it read in white letters:

Open all day. 1 free loaf per person.

The man noticed they were reading the sign above his cart and he smiled,
"Ah, why, hello there, I see you are travelers, and a dandy looking couple."
Firea blushed and Alex scratched his head, "Uh... we're just traveling...."
Firea added to what Alex said,
"Yes, we're traveling together because he lost his memory..."
Alex and Firea both looked away.
The old man chuckled,
"I see... well anyways, I own a cart full of bread, and I am here to welcome any newcomers to Fallaver Town,"
He reached over and grabbed 2 loaves,
"Here you are,"
The man handed one loaf of bread to each of them.
Firea took it, relieved for food,
"Thank you, sir."
Alex could barely stand going another second without food and he nodded to the man at the cart.
The man waved to them as they walked down the road, "Have a nice night!"

Alex couldn't hold himself back, he ate the whole loaf of bread in less than 10 seconds.
Firea ate her loaf too, just slower,
"Gee, I guess you were hungry..."
Alex brushed crumbs off of his jacket and smiled,
"That bread was a bit cold, but boy did it taste good."
Alex's legs suddenly felt weak,
"Uh, hate to rush you Firea, but can we get somewhere to sleep?"
Firea was finishing up the last of her bread, and then she signaled Alex to follow her.

They both walked down to a large, cube-shaped, mossy stone-brick building that had a small pond out front.
Surrounding the sign and pond was a dark oak fence that stretched until it hit the walls of the building.
The large sign within the fence read:


Firea and Alex walked to the front of the fence which was at the side of the road.
They turned and followed a gravel path to find beautiful double-doors and small windows spread around the front of the building.
The duo walked towards the doors and opened them up, revealing a large room with a red carpet.
In the room was a long desk with someone sitting in a chair behind it, 1 plain looking wooden door, and a couple of paintings and plants.

"Hello and welcome to the Local Inn."
The woman behind the counter looked middle-aged with curly brown hair, she wore a blue and white outfit and smiled when they entered.

Firea reached under her hoodie and pulled out a small leather bag,
She reached in and pulled out 5 gold nuggets,
"What can we get for this?"

The woman behind the counter grabbed the gold and said,
"One small room. My daughter will be out shortly to show you there."

Firea grabbed the leather bag and put it under her hoodie again,
"Only one room? Are you sure you can't get us two...?"
The woman sighed,
"I'm sorry but this is all that you can get."
Right as she finished talking a girl about the same age as Firea and Alex walked out of the door to the right,
she wore a turquoise and white striped long-sleeved shirt, blue shorts, and turquoise shoes.
The girl had long reddish-pink hair,
"Follow me you two."
Without speaking, Alex and Firea followed the girl through the doorway and to a flight of stone stairs.
They walked up about 10 stairs in a wide stairwell, then turned left on a small flat floor, only to continue up about 10 more stairs.
At the top of these stairs were wooden double-doors and as the girl pushed the doors open, she introduced herself,
"My name is Tessa and I don't normally work here, I just came to visit my mother."
Firea nodded and said,
"I'm Firea,"
And Alex added,
Tessa brought them down a hallway, past iron doors on each side, which Alex assumed were rooms.

Eventually at the end of the hallway Tessa turned right and faced an iron door,
"This will be your room, enjoy your stay and here's your key,"
She handed a wooden button to Firea,
"And if you need anything just speak to my mom at the counter downstairs or find me roaming the brick roads of Fallaver."

Firea put the button right next to the door,
Firea pushed the button in as Tessa walked off.
She then walked inside the room as the iron door swung open automatically, and with Alex coming in right behind.
Firea put her hands on her hips,
"Well it sure is small."
The room was 12 block long, wide, and tall. It consisted of 1 double bed to the right, a painting of a flower above it, a window looking out to Fallaver Town, a lime-green short couch on the left, and a cauldron of water next to it.
The room was lit by redstone lamps in the ceiling.

Alex took off his jacket and threw it on the green couch,
"You can have the bed."
Firea walked over and sat down on the red blankets of the bed,
"Oh, are you sure?"
Alex already started to lay down, stretching his body across the couch, with his feet hanging off one end,
"Yeah I'm sure, you paid for the room after all."

Firea tilted her head and smiled,
She took off her white hoodie and set it aside, she wore only a gray T-shirt underneath. Then she popped off her red boots and got under the blankets.

Alex did the same and took off his shoes using his feet.

On the wall, next to the bed, was a switch.
Firea reached over and pushed it down which made the lamp above turn off.
The whole room was pitch black, except for little moonlight shining through the window.
"Goodnight Firea"
Alex started to doze off to sleep as he heard her whisper,
"Goodnight Alex"

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