Chapter 10: Wise Spirits

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Alex was walking through a dense forest, full of all kinds of sounds,
"Where am I?"
He was looking all around him through the trees and dense foliage,

After a moment of silence, every tree simultaneously disappeared into a blue mist, which soon faded away.
Alex looked around to find where the voice had come from yet he could find nothing.
The voice was firm, and sounded wise.
In a sudden blue flash, someone appeared in front of Alex,
"Who are you?"

The man who had spoken before stood there with an old, round face. He had a long gray beard and long gray hair. He wore a long blue robe that went to his feet and he held a wooden cane that seemed to be helping him stand.
"I am Osirus."
Alex took a moment to think, he knew that he recognized this man, but from where?
Then it hit him, it was the old man who had lived atop the mountain, he had passed away from the fire.
"You're the man, from yesterday!"
Osirus nodded his head and smiled.

Alex looked back and forth real quick,
"So, Osirus, where are we?"

"In a spiritual realm."

"It looks like a field to me."

Osirus chuckled,
"The spiritual realm is but a place of your dreams, only few have ever seen these lands."

Alex squinted his eyes and thought out loud, "Well then how did I get here and why am I here? And why are you? I thought you had died."

Osirus had sadness in his eyes yet he still gave a weak smile.
"I have achieved what most could not because I am advanced in the ways of Aura. I am here to help and guide you whenever I can. Also, it is true that my physical form has passed on, but my spiritual form shall remain."
Osirus slowly groomed his beard,
"I brought you here because I feel the Aura within you. You are not like anyone I have ever seen, you are in fact special. You will leave this realm when you awake from your sleep so worry not, I just wish to bring you here to teach you the ways of Aura."

Alex took a moment before responding,
"So what you're telling me is, there's magic in every person but only a few can use it?"

"In a way, I guess so."

Alex nodded,
"so what can you show me?"
Osirus pointed a finger at Alex,
"Head my warning boy, Aura is a power you may have trouble controlling at times but above all you need to always use it for good, not evil. The powerful Aura can easily corrupt your mind."

Alex nodded, "I'm ready for anything."

Suddenly the sun in the sky turned blue then disappeared, leaving Alex in a field of darkness.
He couldn't see a thing but he was hearing hisses all around him.
Though he could not see, he could hear Osirus's booming voice through the darkness,
"Though you are shrouded with confusion, you must sense where the evil is, and do not get bitten."
Alex could barely think,
"Wait, evil?"
A long hiss replied to his words, but it sounded like it was all around him, in one swift action, Alex felt instant pain in the back of his leg, something bit it.
Alex knelt down and had his hands clasped around his right leg,
"What was that?!"

"The evil. Try to sense where it is so you can dodge it's next attack."

Alex tried listening to Osirus and focused on hearing where the 'evil' was.
With no success he felt another sharp pain but this time it was in his left leg.
Alex gritted his teeth and held both legs.
"Clear your mind Alex, don't listen for it... sense it."

Alex was still in pain but he slowly stood up and let his hands fall to his sides, then he cleared his thoughts.
He heard hissing but blocked it out and in his mind he could see complete blankness accompanied by a long, thin, misty-looking blue shape to his left. This must be the evil.
Alex stood patiently, waiting for the evil to strike, so he could dodge it. He watched the blue Aura of its location in his mind and just when he saw it dashing towards him, he jumped backwards.
He heard hissing but no pain this time, as he sensed whatever creature it was fly by.
"Congratulations boy, you have successfully channeled your inner Aura to see what cannot be seen,"
Osirus sounded happy,
"You are free to leave for now."

Alex didn't understand anything that just happened,

Alex bolted upright on the green couch, in the small Inn's room.
Cold sweat ran down his body as he heaved big breaths of air.
That "dream" was confusing just to think about.
He looked across the brightly lit room, the sun must've just come up, and he saw Firea peacefully sleeping beneath the red blankets of the bed, letting out slow and calm breaths.

Alex felt very relieved to be in the normal world again.

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