~Ch. 5~

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It's December and Christmas is just getting closer and closer every day. I can't wait for winter break, but until then I'll be stuck with the Host Club until then... I've gotten a bit used to them though. To my surprise, Hikaru and Kaoru actually started hanging out with me after the party.

I had to explain the situation when Tamaki and Kyoya saw me during the party, but Kyoya got to that before me. Thanks to that I had to get a boy's uniform so none of the customers would suspect me being a girl and I owe the Host Club... At least, the uniform is comfortable, but Kyoya supposedly knew that I was a girl the whole time while Honey and Mori found out sometime before the party. It actually isn't that surprising, but he knew I was pretty close to Ryo's family before Tamaki's dad told him too. What else does he know?

"A customer is coming." Kaoru said.

"Wait, what? This early?"

"There's not much time, Saku." Mori muttered hurriedly.

I am then swept away by Mori. He brings me to where the rest of the hosts are.

"O-Oh! Thank you, Mori-kun,"

He nodded and we got into our positions. The doors slowly opened and then we greeted our customer, "Welcome."

Oh. It's Haruhi. Did we really get ready for nothing? A toucan lands on Haruhi's head as she slouches over.

Oops. Did I forget to mention? We're cosplaying as people from Bali. Well, the other hosts are.They brought in trees and everything. All the things rich people can do is startling. I'm not wearing a costume because the costume they showed me would make it obvious that I'm a girl, plus the costumes they're wearing would be worst. All of them are literally shirtless, except Tamaki. I don't really care if people know I'm a girl to be honest. I probably wouldn't get customers and I'd be fine with that. I told the club that, but Kyoya just had to cut in.

"Oh, it's you, Haruhi. You're late." Hikaru stated.

"I thought it was a guest, so we positioned ourselves." Kaoru pointed out.

"According to my calendar, it's the middle of December..." Haruhi deadpanned.


Oh no. Not again.

"It's only a commoners' feeling to be afraid of the cold and put yourself into a kotatsu! Why do we have this perfect air conditioning system?"

"A good man can't hide his beautiful body by wearing lots of clothes! It's winter, that's wh-" Tamaki continued.

Sparkles are appearing around him. That's when you know that you should start ignoring him.

"And December has the big event, when we'll be shining the most!"

A big event? Don't tell me it's a-

"The Christmas party, Haruhi!"

Perfect. Another party full of rich people I don't know.


The actual customers finally came in. Tamaki is being flirtatious, Kaoru and Hikaru are doing their twincest act, and Mori, Honey, and Kyoya are being themselves. Kyoya, of course, made Tamaki choose this theme. Being shirtless is certainly making the customers rowdier than usual.

"Saku. Why aren't you wearing a costume?" One of my customers asked.

"Yeah. Why? I really want to see!"

"Oh. I've tried one on, but it seemed weird that I would be wearing something like that in the winter. I was actually embarrassed because all the skin I was showing. Tamaki and the others were saying I was as red as a tomato," I pouted.

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