~Ch. 2~

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"Haruhi? What's up with the new look? " I exclaimed, eyes widening due to the fact that she looks different from how she was yesterday. I didn't know she could afford one of the uniforms either...

"I'll tell you later. It's a bit of a long story," She answered, sweatdropping.

"Um, ok?" I said, confused.

For a few seconds, we sat there in an awkward silence until Haruhi finally brought up a random subject.

"So did you manage to get here without getting lost?"

"Of course I did! I don't have that bad of a memory," I pouted as I blush from embarrassment.

Suddenly, what I suspect to be a fangirl practically screeched,"Oh my god. Haruhi-kun made Saku-kun blush! They'd be so cute together!"

More girls start squealing and stammering to each other from what I think would be about Haruhi and I. It's hard to tell due to them being extremely loud, I mainly heard squeals, Haruhi, Saku, and kun. Please tell me that this isn't going to happen every day. I don't need to get used to this.

"Hey Haruhi."

"Eh." I said to the random voices without knowing.

"Oh, hi. Hikaru-kun. Kaoru-kun," Haruhi greeted to the people that came out of no where. Does everyone do that here?

Wait. Hikaru. Kaoru. They are twins. Oh my god. They are those twins from yesterday! As I glance toward Haruhi, I see those exact twins talking to her. How do they know each other? I guess I shouldn't judge, though.

As Haruhi and the twins talk, I just stood there awkwardly. This is nothing new to be honest. I mean I'm not really comfortable around random people, but my friends' friends would always approach them while I'm talking.

Once I look up, I noticed that one of the twins was staring at me and slightly shifted around uncomfortably. I wonder which twin he is. His auburn hair is part on his left. Wasn't that one the twin that gave me a dirty look yesterday? They could've parted their hair a different way, but I remember him having a deeper voice than his brother though. I'm sure they have other differences, but it's not like I'll be hanging out with them often.

It turns out I spaced out while thinking about how to tell the twins apart. It also turns out that one twin is still staring at me. I'm starting to get even more uncomfortable and annoyed too.

I slumped in my chair slightly and put my hand on my cheek to support it. There's nothing to do. I sigh and unconsciously pout. Is he going to keep staring at me, especially after what happened yesterday? I mean it has only been a few seconds, but it's really uncomfortable.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" I mocked quietly.

He then blinked a few times and actually looked confused for a second. Did he space out or something? It was then that he had a sly but annoyed look on his face.

"Aren't you b-" He started.

"Ok class! I'll be starting attendance now. Please go back to your seats and stay quiet until your name is called and when I'm finished with attendance. So Agaki Megumi?"


I hold in a laugh as twins go sit down looking unamused. Yoshida-sensai has the greatest timing ever. Who I suspect to be Hikaru turns towards me and shoots me yet another dirty look while I stick my tongue out at him.

Haruhi notices this and asks, "What's going on between you and Hikaru?"

"So he really is Hikaru." I smiled, happy that I was right.

Beneath the Cherry Blossoms (OHSHC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon