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Jai POV:

People had finally cleared out of our house, about an hour after Beau had managed to pass out on the kitchen counter.

None of us were too worried—this was pretty typical of Beau. He could always follow the same routine, without fail: throw a party, enjoy it, pass out before it ended, get out of cleaning the entire fucking house up by rendering himself unconcious with alcohol.

This left me, Luke, James and Daniel with cleanup responsibility regularly.

Thanks, Beau.

When James and Daniel were about ready to get down to business, this time around, Luke and I were still in his room. In his bed. Cuddling. Naked. After having sex.

"Oy, dickheads!" My head shot up from Luke's chest as I heard James shout from the staircase. I could hear his footsteps reaching the top of the stairs—throwing me and Luke into panic mode.

"Shit," I mumbled as I flung myself off the bed, searching for all of the clothes that had been previously thrown off. "Shit shit shit."

"Here," Luke tossed me my briefs and jeans while picking up his own.

"What the fuck are you pussies doing?" James strolled into the room just as Luke was pulling on his shirt.

"Beau is down and Daniel is scrubbing puke on the patio," he explained, reaching up to play with his cheek piercing as he looked around.

Somehow we had managed to cover our tracks—James hadn't seemed to notice anything weird. Thank god for alcohol.

"This one might be an all nighter, boys," James turned to lead us out of the room—not noticing that Luke and I weren't following.

"What are we going to do?" Luke asked, after a moment of silence passed.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, straightening out my T-shirt, which I noticed I had put on backwards.

"No one can know what happened between us, right?"

I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. He was right, but I still felt sad knowing he didn't want anyone else knowing.

"Hey," he stepped closer, sensing my feelings, and laid his hand on my cheek. "No matter how drunk we were tonight—I wanted this to happen."

"Me too," I told him as I stared back at him, which earned a smile from Luke.

"Other people just won't understand," my twin continued with a shrug. It was a tricky situation we were in—it was painful that we couldn't be together in the open. "I'd rather be quiet and happy about this than risk losing it all by telling people."

I reached up to hold his tattooed arm.

"I agree," I nodded. I truly did agree with him—it just hurt. I leaned in to kiss him, not sure if I'd ever get enough of his soft, plump lips. I could taste the remnants of tequila and other types of liquor on them—which made them all the more enticing.

"Trust me," Luke continued with a grin as I pulled away—I was far too distracted in that moment. "I never thought this day would come—but I've put way too much thought into it all anyways. More than I'd ever care to admit."

I looked down at our toes—basically touching—and smiled at the fact that he really had wanted this all along.

"It'll be our little secret," I kept smiling as I laced my fingers in between his and started to pull him towards the door. "Now, let's go clean up tonight's mess."


A/N: Sorry this is short--another update coming soon. Let me know what you think!!

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