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          Okay Charlotte, balance. You can do this. Don't trip and embarrass yourself in front of your new colleag-  Crap. Why did this lift have to be filled with other homo sapiens. 

         I watched in slow motion as the lid of the cup containing my beloved white chocolate mocha flew open.  The coffee spilt onto whichever poor soul in the lift who was standing in front of me. 

         "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to spill it. Sorry I'm really really really sorry." The poor guy standing in front of me wiping his suit in front of me turned and glared at me.

          Oh no. Way to make a first good impression.

          Quickly pulling out a packet of tissues from my ever-too-big-but-very-handy bag, I tried to dab as much of the coffee of the expensive looking suit. "Leave it." The man ordered and strode out of the lift. 

          Wait... This is the 12th floor. My new and first workplace. 

           I quickly squeezed myself out of the lift, still with the half empty cup of my white chocolate mocha. 

         Meet Charlotte Clarke, 23, a clumsy ol' brunette fresh out of university on her journey with the cursed 'c' that constantly appear in her life.  Spilling Coffee is just the start of the 'c' curse, what else is there? 

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