I Love Him

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Ezra shrugs as we sit down on the sofa.

"Your father is a complete mystery to me Ezra. Just when I think I've figured him out shit like this happens and I feel like I know absolutely nothing about him. Maybe you can give me some clues to help me solve the mystery that is him?" I ask Ezra.

Ezra nods, "my dad used to be an alcoholic. I think he's relapsing. He was clean for the longest time, but he's just almost given up on himself. He's always putting himself down. And he doesn't abuse me if that's what you're thinking. I mean...he's hit me a few times, but I think I deserved it. I would've hit me too," he replies.

"Do you think he needs help Ezra?" I ask him.

Ezra nods and tries to hide the hurt on his face.

"I can get him help or at least try to talk him into getting help. Okay?" I tell him.

Ezra just nods again.

"Alright. I'll give him a little bit longer to cool off and then I'll go talk to him."

"I'm going to go lay down," Ezra tells me before heading down the hall to the spare bedroom.

"He had no right hitting Ezra," Fortune says angrily.

"I know, but we can't change what happen. Hopefully we can prevent it from happening again. Why don't you go check on him?" I ask Fortune. He nods and goes to check on Ezra.

Andy gets up from the far end of he sofa and sits down beside me. I collapse into him and just let him hold me. I've missed his touch.

He kisses the top of my head and tightens his embrace around me. "I love you Mika," he tells me.

"I love you," I tell him.

I do. I love him. Always have and always will, but that doesn't mean that I want to be with him. I can't be with him. We had gone through so much and I just can't go down that path again.

Even if Michael and I do work out. I need a friend. And I'm hoping that Andy can accept just that. I need him in my life, just not as a lover.


"We need to talk," I tell Michael after he finally answers the door. His left eye is swollen shut and his lip is split in almost the same exact spot as Fortune's.

"No we don't," he mumbles as he looks away, I hope it's in shame.

"You hurt Ezra. You need help Michael," I tell him.

He doesn't slam the door in my face.

"Please, let me help you Michael."

Michael steps aside. I walk in and sit on the sofa. The apartment isn't trashed, but it doesn't look maintained. Definitely looks like two teenagers have been attempting to take care of themselves.

Michael sits beside me. "Please say something," I ask of him as I grab his hand and pull it to my lap. He pulls both of our hands to his lap and grips my hand tightly.

"Are you and Andy," he starts.

"Hell no," I reply quickly.

Michael gives my hand a harder squeeze.

"I really do like you Michael, but we can't work if you shut not just me but he world out. It's not good for you and it's definitely hurting those two boys that depend and look up to you. Please promise me you'll either stop doing this and/or get help. Please..."

Michael pulls on my arm and pulls me over to him. I quickly straddle him and press my lips to his. "My lip," Michael winces as he pulls back.

"No kisses?" I ask as I look him into his good eye...yes...his good one.

He nods and pushes me back onto the sofa. Within seconds our shirts are flying across the room. My pants are already off as he stands to take his off. He then strips me of my briefs and pulls me off of the sofa. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into the bedroom.

Instead of him being on top of me, he rolls us over so that I'm on top of him. He reaches over into the nightstand as I strip him of his briefs. As he tosses the lube onto the bed, I begin working my magic on him down below.


There's no greater feeling than being held in his arms. I feel complete. Michael is the man that I want to be with.

I love him.

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