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It's been one week. One week since the elevator. One week since I felt his body my against mine. Three days since the marks he had left faded. Now I'm left with nothing but a memory.

I've replayed it over and over again in my dreams. What did I do wrong? Was that all he ever wanted from me? ...sex?

"Mika?" Fortune asks as he knocks on my bedroom door.

I wave him over to the bed. He lays down next to me. We both sigh.

"I'm sorry that he hasn't returned your calls or anything, but you have to move on." Fort tells me honestly.

"I know," I reply sadly. "I just was hoping he was the one. I want to settle down. And you know that most people I meet don't want me for just me."

"I know," he says as he sits up. "But you won't find that perfect guy by laying around feeling sorry for yourself. He's obviously moved on. Do the same."

I sit up as he gets off the bed. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" I ask.

"You're not looking for a one nightstand, are you?" Fortune asks as he crossed his arms in disappointment.

"I need it Fort," I tell him as I hop off of the bed and brush past him to the bathroom.

(Fortune's POV)

Mika is on a mission. A mission to get laid. I should stop him, but he's a grown man. If he doesn't know right from wrong by now then there's no teaching him now.

"Please tell me you're single?" Someone, a male, whispers into my ear from behind. I feel them press themselves against me.

"Yea, not interested." I reply as I spin around. "Ezra?!" I practically shout in shock.

Ezra just smirks at me. He's trashed and probably on something. His eyes are bloodshot and he's staggering. He can barely stand.

"Jesus," I say as I help support him and drag him to a surprisingly empty booth. "Does your fa-"

"Fuck him!" Ezra shouts into my ear. Definitely trashed.

I then notice his black eye. I gently brush my hand just below it. He rests his head against my hand as a tear slips out of his un-bruised eye.

"Please tell me he-"

"He did," Ezra cries and then buries his head into my shirt.

"Fort," Mika says as he walks over to the booth. I try to shoo him away, but he sits down on the other side of Ezra. "What happened? And how did you get in?" Mika asks Ezra.

"Fake I.D.-duh" Ezra snaps.

Mika glares at me like its my fault.

"I didn't get it for him!" I tell my annoying brother.

"Where's your father?" Mika asks Ezra.

"I don't care where he is!" Ezra shouts at Mika.

"We need to get you out of here," I tell Ezra as I help him out of the booth.

He then stops me before we can head for the door. "I need this Fortune."

"To get trashed? No you don't. No one does," I tell him honestly.

"Please," he says as he grabs my hand.

Something about his touch makes me melt. My knees go weak and almost give out on me. I then stupidly nod.

Two hours later, Ezra and I are dancing. He's grinding against me with a drink in his left hand and the other reaching behind him to pull my lips to his.


We kissed..

A lot...

Mika creeped next to us with some random guy. The guy was just a few inches shorter than Mika. But he was strong. He was definitely in shape. I'm pretty sure his biceps were bigger than my head.

Not Mika's type at all.

He had long blonde hair and light-blue eyes. Mika's hand was lost in his hair most of the night. The thing is...Mika definitely was not interested in this guy, because he's not Michael. I can't see him going home with him or him coming home with Mika.

Great. Not I'm creeping.

I know there is an age difference between Ezra and I, but I have this strange feeling about him. A good one. One that tells me that we are meant to be together. Is this how Mika feels with Michael?

"Fortune," Ezra giggles as he turns in my arms and wraps his around my neck.

"Yes," I ask with a huge smile.

"Let's go back to your place," he whispers into my ear.

Those six words ignited something in me. I picked Ezra up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We kissed, kissed, and kissed all the way back to the apartment.

"Fuck," I mumble into his mouth as I press him against the door.

"What?" Ezra asks out of breathe.

"Mika has the key," I sigh.

He reaches above the door and feels around. Then he pulls down a key. He flashes it in front of my face with a giant smile on his.

"I don't wanna know," I tell him as I grab the key and unlock the door.

We're already naked on the sofa within minutes. We didn't make it to my room. I'm in-between his legs rubbing against him.

Ezra drops his head back and moans from the friction between our bodies. "Fortune," he moans as his hands grip onto my hair.

"I'll be right back," I tell him as I part my body from his and head to Mika's room.

On my way back with the lube and condom, I'm faced with a shocked/furious Michael standing in the living room. Ezra is sitting up covering himself with my shirt. He looks beyond frightened, and it's not for himself.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now