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"Please stop ignoring me Andy," I beg him as I lay down beside him in bed.

Andy keeps his back to me. He's pretending to sleep. I know he is, but I leave him alone.


The next morning I had to leave early to interview a couple of candidates to be my bodyguard in NYC. I'm sitting in a plain-lifeless office waiting for the first candidate.

When the door opens a bigger-hairy man walks in. He looks like he either just robbed a bank or just came from a bike bar. I never looked him in the eye once. I was too scared to. He's a definite if I want to scare everyone away.

Then the second candidate comes waking into the room. I don't look up until he's sitting across from me and I hear him chuckle. "What's so fu-" I start, but stop as my jaw drops.


"They never said who I was interviewing for," he chuckles.

He wins. Job is his. No questions needed.

"Well it's for me," I chuckle. "Now, I thought you used to be a locksmith?" I ask.

"Used to," he replies quickly.

"And what exactly do you do now?" I ask.

"Currently nothing. I worked as an investigator for the police department, but left to spend more time with my kids," he replies.

Good answer. Good answer.

"And what if you get this job? Are you willing to jeopardize your time with your kids now?"

Good question. Good question.

"Are you asking me to?"

"No," I reply. "Moving on. you want this job?" I ask.

At his point I've thrown my questions out the window.

"Yes. And knowing that you live next door to me my job will be easier," he replies confidently.

"Your job? You think you got it?"

"Haven't I?" Michael asks.

God he's sexy.

"Yes. You've got the job," I reply as I extend my hand.

Michael takes it and shakes it. He then stands. I follow and stand myself.

"How about I test you," I tell him.

"Whatever you say boss," he replies.

I smile and motion for him to follow me. As we exit the building we are met by a crowd of fans. They all screamed and came rushing over.

Michael was immediately guarding me. He shielded me as I signed a couple of autographs and took a few pictures on the way to the car. Once we reached the black car he let me in first and then crawled in next to me.

Now we are siting side-by-side waiting for the driver to take us to a studio. I smile to myself. I then glance over at Michael, whom has a straight face on.

"You can smile you know," I tell him.

"Okay," he replies without a smile. I roll my eyes at him.

At the studio a played him a song that I've been working on. It's an upbeat love song with a touch of techno. Michael is once again almost emotionless.

"What'd you think?!" I ask excitedly after the song ends.

"You are very flamboyant," Michael chuckles. He chuckled! I'll take whatever I can get I guess, but I do roll my eyes at his choice of word.

" you like it?" I ask almost shyly now.

Michael nods, which makes me almost jump out of my seat. "I do. I think it'd be better without all of that techno shit though."

I nod in agreement. "I thought that too."


"So, any plans tonight?" I ask as we exit the elevator.

"I'm probably just going to hangout with the boys," Michael tells me.

I sigh almost too loud. I cover my mouth hoping that he didn't notice. I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Well I believe this is where we part," he says as we stop in front of my apartment.

"I could walk you to yours..." I tell him.

Michael smiles, but shakes his head. "Then how would I know if you made it home safe?"

"Good point," I sigh. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya," he says before leaving.

I lean on the doorframe and watch him walk to his apartment. As he enters I hear someone clear their throat. I look nervously to my right to see Fortune standing with his arms crossed. I let out a sigh of relief before shoving him out of my way.

"Where's Andy?" I ask as I flop down on the sofa.

"He met up with some friends," Fortune tells me as he sits next to me.

"Nothing happened," I inform him.

"I didn't say anything did," he laughs.

"Shut up," I tell him. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" I ask.

"Yea. I think I'm up for that."


Around 10PM I'm knocking on Michael's door, already drunk. Michael opens the door laughing. He stops laughing as he sees me, but keeps his smile as he leans on his doorframe with his arms crossed. "Can I help you sir?" Michael asks me.

I roll my eyes at him and push him playfully, almost stumbling over. Michael is quick to steady me. We then lock eyes. "I like your eyes," I slur to him as I giggle.

Michael looks to something in his apartment before closing it. Now we are both standing outside of his. "Your drunk," he informs me as he crosses his arms.

I nod like a child in trouble. "Do you want to go out?" I ask him.

"The boys and I are watching a movie. You are more than welcomed to join us," he tells me.

I laugh and shake my head no. He almost looks offender, so I stop. "Your don't," hiccup, "...know...stuck up."

"Goodnight," Michael tells me before turning back to his door.

"Wait!" I shout at him. "I'm sorry. Just come out. I need you," I tell him.

Michael sighs, "let me tell the boys."


Michael and I are now awkwardly standing in the elevator. I can feel the tension as the elevator comes to a jolting stop. Michaels eyes widen as he rushes to the buttons. He hits the open button, but the doors don't budge. The lights flicker though.

"Shit," he says under his breathe.

"No. I have to pee not shit," I tell him.

He turns to me slowly, "hold it," and then turns back to the buttons.

Michael pushes the help button. Nothing happens. Then like Hulk, he peels the doors open. I bite my lip as I watch his biceps work their magic.

The elevator is stuck between two floors. Michael scratches the back of his head before pulling his phone out. "Ezra, call maintenance. The elevator is stuck. Thanks. Bye."

I move to his side. He shakes his head. I think he's mad at me. "Are you mad at me?" I ask.

"No," he sighs.

"Why don't we just...well lift me up," I tell him.

"I wouldn't be doing my job if I let you get half of your body cut off now would I?"

"No," I sigh as I now scratch the back of my head.

An hour later help arrives. We've just been sitting there ignoring each other. Well actually I fell asleep and pissed myself. Let's all clap for me. Fucking embarrassing. In shame, I went straight back to my apartment.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now