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Michael hasn't returned any of my calls, texts, or hasn't even opened his door for me in the past week. I think he hates me. That or Andy got to him.

It all comes down to Andy. Everything. He's the cause of all my issues right now. I don't know why he just doesn't leave me. I wish he'd leave me. I've tried leaving him, but I go crawling back when someone rejects me.

I want Michael. I need Michael, but he doesn't feel the same. Maybe he does and he's just scared of Andy. I don't know.

Today I have a surprise mini-concert and meet and great for some of my fans in Central Park. Should be fun and exciting, but yet I'm feeling bummed. Fortune has tried to cheer me up the entire drive over, but yeah..

As we pull up to the park we are escorted to the event. He weather is definitely on our side today. Thankfully.

I eventually forgot all my problems and had an amazing time. My fans are definitely a top priority and they are the best.


When we got back to the apartment we ran into Emmett and Ezra just as they reached our door. "What's up boys?" I ask them curiously as I see their worried faces.

"Have you seen our dad?" Ezra asks

Fortune and I look at each other, "no," I reply as we both shake our heads. "When's the last time you've seen him?"

"The other day," Ezra says and then hands me two pieces of paper. "I found these in his nightstand. I wasn't trying to snoop. I-I-"

"You were worried. It's okay." I tell him. "I think I might know where he is."

In the elevator I stare at the papers again. Eviction notices. I don't knock on apartment 3C. I walk right in.

Michael's sitting on the edge of the sofa with his head in his hands. Empty beer cans and bottles cover the coffee table. He doesn't move when I shut the door. Not even when I sit next to him.

It's not until I pull him into my arms does he breakdown. I don't say a word. I just comfort him. We both fall asleep. When I wake up he's gone.

(Michael's POV)

The next day..

"Door dad!" Ezra shouts to me. I finish taping the last box to my room before heading to the door. Our landlord is standing at it. I give him a confused look, "what's up?"

He hands me two lease forms. "Don't let it happen again Michael," he tells me as he hands me a pen.

I give him a confused look and sign the forms.

"Rent is due the first for the apartments Michael," he tells me before exiting. Leaving me confused as hell.

Then it hits me..

(Mika's POV)

"I got it," Paloma says as someone knocks on the door.

"Mika in sure he'll come back," mama tells me.

Andy left. He left this morning. Truth is that I don't really care if he comes back.

"Where is he?" I hear a familiar, pissed voice ask. Next thing I know Michael's rushing into the living room. "What's this Mika?" Michael asks as he waves two forms in front of my face.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Mama asks Michael.

Michael un-tenses a bit as he looks to her. He then looks around the room to see Fortune, my other two sisters, and two of my cousins. He then freezes after he looks to me for help.

"Mama, this is Michael. He's our neighbor," I tell her. "Michael, this is mama, my sisters Yasmine and Zuleika, and my cousins Elijah and Marny."

"I'm sorry for-" Michael starts.

"It's okay Michael." I tell him. Michael gives me an apologetic look.

"What was the rudeness for?" Mama asks Michael.

"It's nothing mama," I tell her as I grab Michael's hand and pull him to the kitchen. I can hear everyone whispering to each other. I don't know what heir saying, but I'm assuming it's about Michael.

"Mika, I'm-"

"Stop," I tell him as I place my finger on his lips. "You needed help. I helped. Just please, let's not say a word about it again."

Michael sighs and relaxes again. "Thank you," he tells me before pulling me in for a kiss.

The kiss deepens quickly. Michael slams me against the wall the divides the kitchen and living room. I giggle as I hear a picture frame fall and some gasps from the other room.

Michael tugs on my curls, which I should bite him for doing, and pulls my head to the side. His lips then attach to my neck. As he alternated between kissing and sucking my neck I pulls his hips closer to mine.

I need to feel his body against mine. He gets the hint and starts to grind against me. "Oh god...Michael..." I moan.

"Wow," I hear Fortune say from next to us.

Michael quickly backs off of me.

"You do know you have guests and that your room is down the hall, right?" Fortune chuckles.

"Yea. Thanks Fort!" I reply sarcastically.

Then someone knocks on the door. This time I go to answer. It's Ezra and Emmett.

"Is my dad here?" Ezra asks.

"Yes," I tell them as I step aside.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now