Behind the Beans

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~A/N~ Dan imagine coming your way! Enjoy this! Gonna try and make the 'Y/N' character a bit different. In my previous ones I've made 'you' very sarcastic, witty, a match for Dan's sass and someone who brings out Phil's less innocent side. Instead, this character is gonna be very sweet; I'll see how it goes, might bring this type of person back in the future. It would give Dan someone to corrupt with his filthy mind. Muahaha!

Em :P

Tins clatter to the floor around you and Dan. You exchange sheepish glances as staff spring to life, starting to pick up the cans while glaring at you both occasionally.


Ugh, shopping. You hate shopping of all kinds; at least when you've been clothes shopping you end up with a nice new outfit, all you end up with after grocery shopping is... well, groceries. You'd prefer an outfit. Sure, food's great, you can eat it and stuff, but you can't wear it. Once it's gone, it's gone. You can keep wearing an outfit again and again, while Jaffa Cakes have a mysterious habit of disappearing five minutes after you open the packet. That's annoying.

Still, you love food. Food's great. Food's tasty. Food makes you feel happy, until you step on the scales and see that the calories have attacked again. You're convinced that calories are little demons that live in your wardrobe and sew your clothes tighter.

You suspect nargles are behind it.

As you wander the aisles of a certain supermarket (that this author refuses to name) where every little helps, carefully avoiding the beef items (you'll get it if you live in Britain), you're interrupted from your reverie about fattening foods by some guy with a trolley running into you. Your own trolley drifts away from you, into someone else. A domino effect is created. You look up to see the cause of this, expecting some idiot on their phone or a child running riot while his parent's back is turned. You don't see either of those people. You see a pair of deep brown eyes set in a handsome face, crowned by straight, chestnut locks. The plump pink lips are pursed. The statuesque boy in front of you scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

 "Sorry. I was looking for the boil-in-the-bag pilau rice, and it's usually on the lower shelves, so I was trying to find it, and I thought I saw it, but it wasn't it - it was egg fried -  and I was reading the packet and then I uh, bumped into you. So, sorry." he rambles.

 "It's okay, no harm done. Oh and," you mumble. You reach down to grab a packet of rice for him from the lower shelves, "Here."

 The guy's face breaks into a grin, his lips stretching over perfectly flawed teeth into a beguiling grin. "Thanks, my roommate's doing a curry tonight so apparently pilau's a must-have. I'm Dan, by the way."

 "Y/N. Sorry, but I have to get on with my shopping, or my parking ticket'll run out. I always seem to get a ticket, so I'd better get a wiggle on. Nice to meet you, Dan."

 "You too, Y/N."

You tinkle your fingers and wheel your trolley away. Internally, you're kicking yourself for not staying and flirting a bit. He was cute, and you're looking fine today (even if you do say so yourself), plus you'd helped him find his rice. That would have been such a meet-cute! Cursing your shyness, you continue your shopping trip.

Why are the cheaper biscuits always on the top shelf? Oh yeah, they put the more expensive ones at eye-level so it's the first thing you see and you're more inclined to buy it, the cheaper ones are at the top so you don't see them. Wow, your head is filled with a heck of a lot of random crap. No wonder you found school so hard: there was no room for the important stuff because of all your pub trivia knowledge.

As you're on your tiptoes, stretching to get the cheap rich tea biscuits, a deep voice rumbles behind you.

 "You really shouldn't be doing all that stretching wearing those shorts, Y/N. You've attracted a gaggle of oglers."

You see a grinning Dan appear next to you. He takes the packet down and hands it to you; you blush and take it with a nod.

 "See, now we're even. You're small, you got me my rice. I'm tall, I got you your biscuits." he beams at you, chuckling at your newly-rosy cheeks.

 "Thank you very much. I think I can manage the rest of the items on my own. See you at the checkout." you murmur, tucking your hair behind your ear and leaving. You fancy you can feel Dan's chocolate eyes boring into your back.

Five minutes later, you see him again. He's attempting to hide behind a stack of baked bean tins. You'd been casually browsing the magazine rack before going up to pay for your shopping when you noticed him, trying to use the stack of cans as a shield. It didn't work. You advance towards him, pretending that he remains unnoticed by you. At the last second, before you pass him completely, you whip round and tap him on the shoulder.

 "Why exactly are you hiding behind baked beans? It makes you look a little bit... y'know, stalker-ish."

 "Sorry. I was trying to, um, I was uh, I was reading the label. Can't be too careful with the salt content these days." he snickered softly, clearly embarrassed at being caught.

 "Really? Salt content? Is that the best you've got?" you giggle.


 "Right... I'm going to go now. Nice seeing you again." you turn around, smirking.

 "So that's it? Not even gonna give me your number?"

This causes you to whip around again, knocking the display over.

Tins clatter to the floor around you and Dan. You exchange sheepish glances as staff spring to life, starting to pick up the cans while glaring at you both occasionally.

 "... Okay, bad sign, I'll let you go now." Dan utters quietly, trailing away.

Opportunity passed, you go to the checkout. As you're paying your things, you notice a tin of baked beans. You didn't buy any beans? Someone must have put them in your basket when you weren't looking.


Upon closer inspection you see there's writing on it. What?

'Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe?



His number. Cheeky... still, it certainly brightened up your shopping trip.

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