Now, Im interested

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Just to let you know this chapter gets a little interesting in the end *wink*   *wink*

Song for the chapter is:
Demons - imagine dragons (cover)
The next few days were pretty quiet. I've been doing better with my cravings. I haven't fed on a human in almost a week, animal blood isn't the best though.

I was extremely happy for the first time in a long time because Hayes had followed my advice. I've been seeing him at school and we occasionally make eye contact but we don't talk. He hasn't been asking any questions either.

I've been trying to figure out why his blood appeals to me so much. I've been going to the library, and researching online but I haven't found much. I'm hoping to get some information soon.

The only time we are even remotely close to each other is in biology, but still even then we don't talk. There isn't really anyone that I talk to in or out of school and it's kind of nice, the silence is actually a soothing change from The hectic life of me and my bloodlust. So long as no one gets seriously injured they're in the safe zone.

So basically everything is normal, or at least as normal as it'll get when your a... you know.

I strolled into my AP English Laungauge Arts class. We had just started a new lesson on mythology. I was expecting it to be a completely uninteresting waste of my time, I could be hunting game right now. I sat down in my chair and placed my books on my desk and set my backpack down. My teacher started to give the opening lecture on the lesson.

I wasn't really paying attention that much. "OK so today we will be learning about... It's a pretty interesting topic I've had quite a lot of experience teaching this... turn to page 94." Was all I heard her say.

She kept babbling on about the story we would be reading.Ok. Page ninety- "What the hell?!?!" Everyone turned and looked at me the teacher stop talking.

Did I really just say that out loud? "I'm sorry." I said. "It won't happen again I promise." Please don't send me to the deans office, please don't- "It better not." My teacher said turned back around and kept on talking. Thank God.

The story we were going to be reading was called 'Vampires and their history'. I couldn't believe this. Was this really happening? "Please read silently to yourself until the period is over. That's about 10 minutes. And I encourage you to get as much as you possibly can done because today is the only day we will be going over this, just remember that." My teacher said.

Is this real? Is this actually about the true history of vampires? It had just dawned on me that I don't actually know anything about vampires or their history except for the part about them drinking blood and something about a guy named Dracula.

Vampires and their history
The myth of creatures known as Vampires,  beings who have human appearances and drink blood have been around much longer than people first thought.

This book was created to give you further knowledge on the topic of vampires. Much is theorized about them but this takes a look at what very few people know about these ancient beings.

Vampires don't need to live off of the blood of humans as it was first hypothesized they, can actually feed off of animals which can serve as sustenance. OK I already know that much.

R-r-r-ring. Great times up. I have to find out more about what I am. I make sure everyone has left before I get up and walk to the front of the classroom.

"Excuse me Mrs. Johnson do you know where I can find this story? It seems very interesting but I didn't have enough time to finish it." I asked. "Well ,what we read today in class was only an excerpt. I just so happen to have a copy of the entire completed book with me right now if you would like to borrow it." She said. "May I?" I wondered. "yes, only if you promise not to make any more outbursts in class." Miss Johnson replied. "I promise." I said to her. She handed me the book and I walked out of class. Could this have the answer to why I was so attracted to Hayes's blood?

The next class was biology. Yay. It was just another time where Hayes and I would make eye contact, and I would feel guilty about how harsh I was to him a few days ago. I'm not sure if he realizes that its for his own good but it's not like I can just tell him what I am.

I got in and took my seat as quietly as possible he had come in before me and was already waiting for me, he watch me as I sat down and tried to avoid looking into his eyes.  He redirected his gaze to the front of the room his jaw was set in a manner that I couldn't help but think that he was mad at something, or someone.

Mr. Douglas passed around markers, colored pencils, and a sheet of glossy poster paper to each table. "Alright class today's assignment will just be to create a poster with your partner. Draw an ecosystem and show how everything in it has a role. Begin." I swallowed hard. My palms were sweaty. I'm not sure why I'm nervous, I really shouldn't be.

Hayes turned to look at me once more. "So are you done yet?" He asked. "Done? Done with what?" I wondered.
"Done acting like a dramatic bi- like a complete idiot."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "'Stay away Hayes.' What was that even about?" He asked. "I can't tell you. I just need you to stay away from me or else you would get hurt." I said now scowling at him. "Hurt how?" He asked seriously. "Hurt like dead." I said wide eyed in anger. He not understand the gravity of the situation? "Taty, Hayes I need a little less chit-chat, get to work." Mr. Douglas interrupted.

I picked up the poster and made quick work of the assignment. I used my speed to get it finished but I made sure to be inconspicuous. I sighed as I finished. Hayes was still staring at me.

R-r-r-ring. Saved by the bell. I walked to the front of the class to drop off the poster.

Everyone including Mr. Douglas who I think was on a bathroom break, had left by the time I got back to my stuff.

Hayes and I were the only ones still left in class. I bent over to pick up the bag and then turned to leave. Before I could, Hayes grabbed my wrist. I turned to him and gave him a wtf look.

"You really shouldn't have told me to stay away, because now, I'm interested." He said with smirking then he bit his lip. I got the same sweaty hands, and nervous gulp thing from earlier. Oh no. This can't be good. "I'll see you tomorrow Taty." He let my arm go and walked out of the classroom.

Somehow Hayes Grier had won the upper hand and I wasn't at all happy about that.

Ooooooh Hayes. Well Taty's plan to keep Hey is safe just totally backfired. You better brace yourselves for the next chapter.

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