Maccaroni & Guests

396 21 12

Here is a longer update since my last one was kind of short. Thank you HayesGingerBread for the wonderful suggestion. ;)

^Pic is of Kyle

" Now that we're friends are you going to tell me your secret?" He asked.

" You're really persistent aren't you?"

" Maybe a little." He said making a small gesture with his hands.

" Your not backing down?"


"Ha." I scoff. I honestly hope you know what you're doing because what I'm going to tell you could get you killed."

"That seems to be the message of all of our conversations."

"Touché." I say. Well then, if he isn't going to keep his distance I might as well reach him a lesson. " Come to my house, tonight. I guess you won't need any directions. You made that pretty clear."

"Tonight then?" He asked.

" That's what I said."

"Alright. I'll see you then." Hayes spoke nodding his head. I watched him go until he was safely hidden behind the classroom walls.

I'm not even going to bother with finishing the day. First I need to make my house presentable, as in I have to hide a few containers of deer blood.

I don't need anyone thinking I'm in some weird animal-blood-sacrificing religious cult. Oh the inconveniences of being a monster.

I rush out of the front doors of the main building and run home. It doesn't take me anymore than a few seconds.

I close the old door of the apartment behind me and head straight for the fridge. I take out the plastic containers and place them onto my counter. All right how my going to do this? I take an even bigger been from the cupboard and place a lot of ice into it then I place the other smaller containers into it and seal it up making a makeshift freezer. That should work for the time being.

I look around for a nice place to store it, hmm, the only spot that comes to mind is under the bed. Ha funny. Under the bed is supposed to be a place for monsters, but instead it's where monsters store their food.

Okay. This place is an absolute dump. I think looking at all of the strewn clothes, glasses, and dried blood. Not my fault that I'm a messy eater.

Oh lord. This is going to take forever to clean up...and it did. By the time I was done it was 1:35. School would be over around 3:50 so I need to finish up getting the house ready pretty soon.

I feel like I'm missing something. Wait a minute, that's right food. I need to have food hazes probably going to be hungry when he comes over.

This is gonna be a little tough. I don't know where the closest grocery store is, I haven't exactly had much use for it.

I wrote out and down the stairs. I begin to walk, without using my speed and try to find a small corner store.

After about 10 minutes I found a place called Carl's Mart. There weren't a lot of people inside so it seemed like the perfect place.

Shopping around was harder than I thought it would be because I do not know what he likes, nor do I know how to cook. Oh boy.

I walk through the isles until I found something I thought was decently suitable, macaroni and cheese. I used to love macaroni and cheese. I just hope you will too.

I get to packet and quickly leave to pay for my stuff. I don't like spending more time out than I have to. School was quite enough with the whole social scene I'm not sure if I'm exactly prepared for it, actually I know were not prepared for it if I'm going to meet more people like him. He always has so many questions and it is definitely not a good thing.

my total was $7.43. I paid quickly and left I couldn't use my speed because there were too many people around. I hate witnesses, walking slower than I had to made me feel so unnatural.

It was another 10 minutes before it reached my house. It's a cut up hot from under the cabinet and set it onto my stove after filling it with water. The directions told me to just throw the macaroni in and leave it for a while, stir and add some cheese. Then I had to stir again and it was done. I will pack it a claim that the whole process took only about, I don't know 15 minutes.

It is 1:45 right now so I have just the right amount of time.

What are you hated the most was that even though I could speed up whatever I did, I could not speed up anything that happened, which means that I need to wait until the macaroni is finished boiling until I can add in the cheese which feels like it takes an eternity.

Blah blah wait, blah blah stir, blah blah wait, blah blah ad and cheese, blah blah stir, blah blah wait, and done.

That took a lot longer than I expected to. All right so now that that's done I'll take the pot off of the stove and put it onto the counter and I grabbed two plates from up above my cabinets and divide the pot of macaroni to do. There was still some left over, at least I would have something of Hayes wanted seconds.

Now it's time to get ready. I'm not going to dress myself up especially for this. All I did was go to my room throw on a basic burgundy T-shirt and change into some shorts. That seems good enough.

Time, time, time? What time is it? I run to the kitchen really quickly and see that it is only 2:30.

Great they're still 80 more minutes until Hayed comes. I know exactly how to pass the time. I got the makeshift freezer from under my bed and placed it onto my nightstand.

It didn't take me more than two seconds to tear it open and start ravaging through its contents. I couldn't afford any more spells right now, so I went to the kitchen and took a straw and then dipped it into the deer blood and then started drinking.

The time went by pretty quickly and I didn't realize it but soon enough it was a knock on my door.

"Just a second." I called out. I quickly ran to the bathroom and in time to wipe off the blood.

I grab some toilet paper and wiped it across my mouth I looked into the mirror to make sure that I was good. Then I ran to my living room to open the door.

On my way over I heard the knock again. "Hayes I told you I'm coming," I said reaching the door and opening it. "You don't need to knock so..."

I froze. Not in fear, but in some tangled motion then I couldn't express. It was at Hayes standing in the doorway, it was my brother, Kyle.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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