✡A Sacrifice For Love✡ (Damon Salvatore) Bad Rising

Start from the beginning

Alaric nodded letting it all sink in.

“We were hoping Isobel’s research could help us figure out what it is.” Elena continued.

“Well all of her research is still at Duke- well her office is still there. Since she’s technically still missing.” Alaric said.

Damon smirked slightly, “Well do you have access to it?”

Alaric didn’t answer.

“Rick.” Damon said leaning over, “We need to know what were dealing with. If this wolf man thing is true than I know it’s not good. It means Mason Lockwood is a real life lycan then this Tyler punk may just be lycan jr. Which means bellicose meaning me- is totally screwed.”


“Elena are you coming?” I yelled up the stairs at my older twin sister as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Today, lucky us note the sarcasm. Are going to Duke to take a look at my- or my vampire birthmother’s office for Lycanthrope information and or Katherine. Honestly I wanted nothing to do with my birthmother and her silly life’s work.

But- Elena was forcing me to go. Since Stefan couldn’t go and was going to baby-sit Caroline and her newborn vampire ways. Well that reason and Damon was going and Elena was still pissed at him. So I’m going to make sure a brawl doesn’t happen between them.


“Yeah.” Elena said while making her way down the stairs, Stefan was in front of her. He gave me a quick nod of ’hello’ as the three of us headed outside.

We made our way to the car, seeing Stefan and Damon already there.

“Too bad you can’t come too Stef.” Damon said to his brother while mocking, by sticking out his bottom lip.

Elena glared at Damon as she threw her bags into the car.

“Call me if you need anything.” Stefan said to Elena.

Damon rolled his eyes, “Oh I’ll take real good care of her.”

I almost laughed aloud at Damon’s sarcasm, but I managed to hold it back. Elena glanced at Damon before taking her hand and placing it on Stefan’s cheek and pulling him into a deep kiss. Or more like a mini makeout session.

Damon and I glanced at each other and smirked as the ‘serious’ broody couple pulled away after a good minute.

I smirked wrapping my arms around Damon’s neck, “We can do that too you know.” I said mostly to my sister as I pulled Damon’s face down for a kiss.

His lips met mine eagerly as they molded together. Damon’s strong arms made their way around my waist, pulling me closer as we kissed. I could almost imagine my sister’s looks of disapproval and disgust as we continued to kiss.

I felt Damon’s tongue run across the bottom of my lip. And it made me smirk- he was having just as much fun messing with his brother as I was with Elena.

I opened willingly and just as our tongues were about to meet we were ripped apart.

Elena was standing there her eyes were blazing while her cheeks were red from blushing so much. I held back a laugh as I stared at her.

“Enough.” She said finally.

I rolled my eyes, “We were just imitating you.”

“I didn’t do that!” Elena protested.

“Well that’s what it looked like to me.” I said with a smirk as I stared at my annoyed sister. Elena was fuming, her anger was rolling off of her like waves. It was either embarrassment or anger, I couldn’t figure it out. Or possibly both? Elena cursed quietly before turning back to me.

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