19) Surprise Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Liam your not usually this quiet, did something happen?" Harry questions. 

Liam rubs his neck without breaking his stare. "No nothing happened." 

I look over at Louis, his eyes squinted as he looks at Liam. "You're lying." he stated. 

Liam begins to shift uneasily "Look I'm just a little stiff from the plane ride, I'm guna go stretch it out in my room." he growled zooming off into the house. 

Harry scoffs and crosses his arms. "Whats his problem?" he says shrugging his shoulders. 

"I don't know but it sure as hell isn't just an uncomfortable plane ride....Brielle keep your distance from Liam for a while okay?" Louis tells me. 

I don't argue and I nod my head. "Sure." 

Harry grabs the luggage and walks to the house with Louis. I follow behind them.


*Louis' POV* 

"Oooo the house is furnished." Harry chimes, dropping all of the luggage and plops down on the couch. 

I roll my eyes and scoot the luggage against the wall. Niall comes down the stairs with Zayn. 

"We picked r' rooms, there are three rooms upstairs an' two rooms down stairs. Me an' Zayn got ours upstairs, so there is one left."

"I call it!" Brielle shouts and runs up the stairs, her suitcase hitting against each step. 

"Alrighty den'. That means you, Liam, and Harry gotta decide who's sharing a room." Niall grins. 

"Your'e kidding me right?" Liam says coming from the hall. 

"Hah nope." Niall chuckles. 

"Fuck that, you two can share a room together. I'm not sharing my room." Liam sneers. 

I cringe at his rudeness, hes not being himself at all. "I'll sleep on the couch" I say. 

"Good. I'll be in my room. Harry your room is across from mine." Liam says walking away. 

Zayn looks over at me with a surprised look. "Whats got into him?" he asks. 

"I don't know, but hes been acting different lately." I reply. 

Zayn shrugs it off and picks up his suitcase and goes upstairs, Niall doing the same. A few minuets pass and I decide to go upstairs into Zayn's room, I have some questions. 

 I enter Zayn's room and he is sitting on his bed sketching on paper.

"Zayn I need to ask you something."

"Yeah?" he says putting down his pencil. 

"What happened on the plane with you and Liam?"

Zayn scoots to the edge of the bed and is feet dangle.

"He hasn't been himself since we got off the plane." he states. 

"Exactly. Something must of happened, tell me everything you know." 

Zayn strokes the side of his jaw and looks around. "Well for starters there was this very attractive flight attendant, her scent had me going insane. I got up and went into the bathroom to cool down, there...there was harsh knocking but I just figured it was a kid. I wen't back to my seat and Liam wasn't there anymore, Harry said he went to check up on me, so I looked for him and ended up in the supply room where the flight attendant was, I heard muffled sounds in the back but she insisted there was nothing there and I asked her about Liam and then she went to go...." Zayn trails off and his eyes begin to get wider. 

"My god..." he mumbles, looking over at me with wild eyes. 


"Liam is Eric! The flight attendant, she was Eric! He had Liam in the back room and he must of transformed into him and..."

"And what?!?!" I chock out.

"Louis hes in the house!" Zayn tries to whisper. 

I feel my blood begin to boil with both fear and anger. How could I be so dumb to not have realised this sooner? The way Liam has been acting, I should've known it was Eric! Holy shit! 

"Hes here to kill us all and hunt Brielle." I whisper. 

"Brielle!" Zayn croaked. 

We both immediately dodge into her room almost knocking the door down. A very surprised Brielle turns around in her desk chair looking at us. I look around the room, hes not in here, shes fine. Me and Zayn look at eachother with relief. I place my hand on his shoulder "Get Harry and Niall in here, make sure 'Liam' isn't around to be suspicious. I have a plan." 

Zayn nods and zooms out of the room. I look over at Brielle, she still has that shocked look. The boys are instantly in the room, I tell them the news about Liam and what the plan is. Harry tenses up as he hears it, I know he dosen't like it, but its the best chance we got at getting to Eric before he gets to Brielle. 

"Got it?" I question. 

The boys nod their head and Niall takes the now terrified Brielle out of the room and downstairs into the basement, Zayn following. 

I look outside the window, its now dark out and Harry knows exactly when Eric will come in to "Check up" on Brielle in her bedroom. 

Now all we have to do is wait, and hope the plan works. If not...

Lets just not think about "if not." its far too gruesome. 

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