12) Tick Tock. Part 1

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I expected new clothes to be on the table when I walked into the house, but there was just another envelope. I removed the red wax seal and opened up the paper,


My challenge is the most intense out of the ones you've had or will be faced with. To find where your challenge will be held, you must follow these simple steps:

1. Go to the bookcase in the living room.

2. Choose a book (Red, Blue, or Green.) On the side of the book, there will be a key. 

3. Walk down the hall to the left of the bookcase.

4. Find out which door unlocks.

5. Walk in and prepare for what awaits you.

6. Do as your told. 

P.s- Once your inside, theres no turning back.


The note sends chills down my spine just reading it. Harry told me Zayn's challenge has something to do with it getting hot....that could mean two different things. 1) Hot as in sexual. 2) Hot as in heat. Either one I'm not looking forward to it. 

I keep the note in my hand and start to walk into the main living room. I look around for the bookshelf and I spot it against the wall. I walk over to it and look at the books, there are many books but a Red, Blue, and Green one are in the middle of the shelf. I look at the spine of the Green book and try and read the title.


Hmm that seems quite strange..a book about an endless hole in the ground? Maybe the titles of the books give small clues on what awaits behind the doors...

I look over at the Blue book and read the title. 

The Magician's Plot

Once again an odd title for a book..I sigh and look over at the last book, the red book.


Hah, yea I'm totally not choosing that one. Sound like a book that can possibly relate to Zayn's power so I'm not going near that thing. Okay, so the titles must mean something...Lets see, we have Abyss...that is a dark hole that can lead to..well anywhere. So if I choose that one, behind the door may be some kind of never ending hell hole.

We have The Magician's Plot..seems harmless really. What do magicians do? They do magic tricks. Magic tricks that are all apart of an illusion. So he would probably have me play a card game? Something that would confuse my mind. Sounds like the best choice to me. 

A book with the title Boil is probably never a good sign, so that one is out. Abyss is out totally. So I guess Ill go with The Magician's Plot. 

I slowly grip the blue book and remove it from the shelf. On the side of the book there is a silver key, the top of the key shaped to look like a magicians hat. "How cute." I mumble sarcastically. 

I look at the note once more and read the next step, hall on the left. I tilt back and see the hall with the doors. I walk down the hall and there are three doors. I guess this is it.

I grip the key and walk to the first door, and stick the key in. I squeeze my eyes tight and twist the key, nope didn't work. As I walk down to the next door I feel the temperature rise and it gets alot hotter. I take off my jacket and leave it on the floor. This time before I stick the key in the lock I press my ear against the door. I hear small footsteps and things being dragged about on the floor, my gut gets that twisting feeling and I slowly stick the key in and twist it. The door makes a click sound and the door creeks open. I gasp as something rough pushes against my back forcing me into the room, I stumble and turn quickly to see Harry with a devilish grin on his face and the door shuts. 

The Cold Blooded (A One Direction Vampire Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora