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[Newt's P.O.V]

"That's probably gonna leave a scar ya know.", I flinch once again as Minho continued cleaning the gash on my forehead to prevent it from getting infected, "So are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Same thing that happens everyday.", my voice comes out soft, once again, I had refused to go through one of Janson's tests so I ended up getting beat up by his guards, I became used to it over time.

I hear Minho sigh, "Hold still while I get this on.", He gets a white adhesive bandage out of the first aid kit next to him and places it on the gash, smoothing it down carefully, "There, this should do it."

I look at him and smile softly, he looks back and returns the smile, "C'mere."

I climb into his lap and lean my head against his chest as he wraps his arms protectively around me, out of all the test subjects here, he was my only friend, best friend, the only person I can trust.

He shifts around and leans against the pillow, pulling the blanket over us, even though we shared a bunk bed, he never let me sleep alone, he knew I would be too scared to close my eyes because of the nightmares that haunted me.

"Minho..", I whisper quietly.

"Mm, yeah?"

"Do you think we'll ever get out of here?"

He holds my hand tightly, "I wish I knew the answer to that."

He might be able to, but not me, I was too important to WICKED, too valuable, or at least, that's what Chancellor Paige and A.D Janson told me. They always took Minho and the others to physical or mental training while I stayed in the lab all day, being tested and examined. I never understood why, every time I would ask Paige that question she would just shake her and tell me the same response, "You'll find out when the time comes, Newt."

"Thinking about it again won't really help.", Minho's voice brings me back to reality.

I look at him, shocked, "How did you..", he chuckles and ruffles my hair, "I know that look on your face, come on, let's go to sleep, you need to rest up, today hasn't exactly been the easiest day for you."

I bury my face in his chest and close my eyes, "Good night, Min.."

"Good night, Newt."


I wake up with a jolt, looking around, I find myself still in the medjack's room, I feel Minho move next time and I look down on him to find him stirring in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible, I look out the window to find it still dark, must be middle of the night or something.

I try to leave but before I can even get up, I feel my hand being grabbed and I look back to find Minho with his eyes open, holding my hand, he asks sleepily, "Where are you going?"

I stay quiet, I didn't think about where to go or what to do, he sits up and pulls me closer to him, "C'mere."

I shiver at his touch, it's just like my dream, no, flashback is repeating itself, same words, same actions, Minho seems to notice that something's not right and he looks at me with concern filling his eyes, "Newt..? Was it a dream?"

I shake my head and look at him, "Then what was it?", he starts rubbing my arm up and down, trying to ease my discomfort, "Minho..do I have a scar on my forehead..?"

He looks taken aback but nevertheless, reaches his hand and brushes away a couple of strand of hair off my forehead and nods, "It's from that time Janson let them beat you up, isn't it?"

I inhale sharply and look at him, "You remember..?", he nods once again and looks at the rope burns on his wrists, "I've had some memories back during the changing and you were in them, Newt..", he looks back at me.

I bury my face in my hands and start sobbing, something that I seem to doing too often these days but I can't help it. Why is this happening to us? Why does everything have to so weird and complicated? Why did they choose us to put in the maze? Why can't we just live out in the real world like normal people?

"Newt, it's okay, we'll figure this out somehow."

I push him away and he gets surprised by my sudden movement, "Don't you bloody dare tell me it's okay because it's not okay, Minho! I'm sick and tired of this! I'm tired of acting like this is all normal! I'm tired of acting like everything's okay! I worked for them! I put us all in here! I wish I was dead! I wish WICKED would just kill me already!",  he flinches at the mention of death, my eyes soften and I stare out of the window, "You should've just let me die that day..."

He takes a deep breath, gets out of bed and takes my hand, pulling me out of the door and out of the homestead, "M-Minho, you shouldn't be out of bed, your body isn't heale-" "Slim it.", his voice comes out harsh and I can't help but stare in shock, we keep walking until we reach the deadheads.

There, he lets go of my hand and looks straight ahead at all the gravestones in front of us, "Every time I see you Newt, I remember that day, the day I found you in the maze, lying down, lifeless, the day my worst nightmare almost became true, the day I thought I lost you forever, I didn't save you that day because I had to, I saved you because I couldn't imagine seeing your name on one of these stones, I saved you because I knew you had much more to live for, I saved you because I love you, Newt and if I ever lose you, I don't know if I'll be able to go on, so don't you say you're not worth it or you don't deserve to live because you do, it's not your fault we are here, we all worked for them, it just happened to be you that caught their interest, its all in the past now, you deserve to live, you deserve to enjoy every minute of your life.", he exhales and takes my hand, turning to look at me, "You are much more worth than you think you are, to me, you are everything, you're the reason I'm alive."

By the time he's done, I'm speechless, I stare into his eyes, "Min...", he leans forward and plants a kiss on my forehead, I just stay quiet and rest my head on his shoulder while he wraps his strong arms around me, "We all need you, Newt, I need you, you're the glue that holds us all together."

Thank you all for reading this, don't forget to vote and leave a comment, Later, gladers! c:

Nightingale ||Newt, Maze Runner||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin