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[Newt's P.O.V]

"What the hell happened in there!?" Alby exclaims angrily.

After we made sure someone is watching Ben around the clock, Alby dragged Minho and I into the council room wanting some explanation of what happened between Ben and I.

I run a hand through my hair, "I don't bloody know Alby, he attacked me out of nowhere."

"Must've been from the changing", Minho joins in.

Alby seems even angrier, probably because Minho and I are being calm and collected while he's making a big deal out of it, he looks at me right in the eyes and says, "Both Gally and Nick went through the changing and they didn't attack anyone. I know you're hiding something, Newt. Why did he ask for you? Did he say anything before he attacked you?"

I stay quiet for a couple of minutes debating whether I should tell him or not. After all, it is sort of my business and only mine.

Minho looks at me as well, "Newt?"

I sit down on the chair behind me, my ankle aching more by every passing minute and I place my head between my hands, "He said that I was one of them, that I'm the one who did all this...", my voice comes out as barely a whisper.

They both stay quiet for a moment then I see Alby crouching infront of me, "Well then?"

I raise my head and look, "What?"

"Is it true?"

Minho jumps in, "Woah there Alby, let's not make any accusations here."

Alby glares at him, silencing him, "I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I just want to know if it's true or not.", he turns his gaze back to me.

I sigh, looking down, "I don't know Alby, I don't remember anything."

He gets up and Minho gives me a sympathetic look but my face stays emotionless, I don't know what to think anymore.

Alby speaks up again,"I understand Newt but we can't take these things lightly around here and you of all people should know that." He gives me a pleading look, "If you ever remember anything, please tell me, maybe it'll help us get out of here sooner than later."

I let out a breath and nod, getting up and making my way out of the homestead and to the deadheads knowing it's the only place where I can clear my head.

I lay down on the grass and stare at the stars filling the sky, I close my eyes, wishing this is all nothing but a nightmare, wondering if I actually have a life outside these walls.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a branch breaking, I get up quickly and look around, "Who's there?" I call out.

"Calm down, it's just me. I'm not gonna attack you or anything.", I recognize the owner of the voice as Minho coming out from between the trees.

I take a deep breath, "Bloody hell, Minho, are you stalking me or something?"

He chuckles, "Maybe? I came to check on you after that shucking Ben attack." He sits down on a log and motions for me to sit next to him and so I do, he speaks up again, "How are you hanging?", concern filling his voice.

Minho and I have always been really good friends since I used to be a runner as well and we spent most of the time together so it doesn't really surprise that he followed me here just to ask me that.

I look at him and manage a small smile, "I'm alright, Min. It's just hard to process all of this at once."

He puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me with an encouraging smile, "We'll figure it out, mate, it's just a matter of time."

I nod and feel a bit of hope for the first time today, knowing that I have someone on my side, someone who supports me.

He gets up and extends his hand towards me, "Dinner's going to be ready soon, we should head back."

"You're right, I still have the greenie to look after too."

"Then let's go before he klunks his pants."

I grin and gladly take it and he helps me up on my feet but I wince once I'm standing straight, pain surging through my injured ankle.

I try to walk but Minho stops me right away, "You said you didn't get hurt."

"I didn't, it's probably just a bruise."

He stays quiet for moment before speaking again, "Is it your ankle...?", he knows how much I hate talking about the day I earned my limp, after all, he was the one who found me after I had jumped off one of the walls of the maze, wishing to end my life but I leg ended up getting caught in one of the ivy, causing it to shatter.


[Minho's P.O.V]

Right after I asked him, his eyes became full of sadness and pain, he was obviously remembering the day he tried to end it all.

None of the gladers know what truly happened that day other than Alby and I, they all believed the story we made up, they all believe that Newt was running away from a griever and ended up falling and hurting his ankle forever.

I put my arm around his shoulder, "I'm sorry, Newt, I shouldn't have brought it up, just promise me you'll get that checked if it gets worse."

I watch him as he smiles, a real smile this time, it's faint but it's there, "I will, Min, thank you."

With that, we head back together to the homestead, grab dinner and sit with Chuck and the green bean, Thomas.

Every now and then, I glance at Newt and notice that he spends most of time poking his food and not paying attention to any of Chuck's stories.

I hate watching him suffer like that, sometimes I wish there was something I could do to take away all the pain, he is my best friend and I can't afford to lose him at any cost.


Double updateeeee!!! Once again, thank you all for reading this far, I'll probably be doing double updates, maybe triple (wink, wink) this week to get this story in-action! Make sure to vote and leave a comment! Until next time gladers!

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