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     I ran outside my house giggling, a younger boy chasing me as we engaged in a game of tag."You'll never catch me Ritsu!" I gave a slight glance behind me to see the regular red head. Our fathers were away on business this was the only chance we would have to be real children. I kept running and managed to pass Ritsu's house when I saw the black cars that will always end our fun. He bumped into me as we looked inside." I guess it's time to stop playing." I nodded and we walking in. Bowing." Hello father," we said in unison as they stood talking to each other."Where have you two been, you're suppose to be training for success." 

           " Sorry father, we needed to take a break. We had been at it since you left. This is the first break we've taken since we were sleeping." I was struck," It doesn't matter, if you were in the middle of a fight, would your opponent let you take a break? NO!!" I didn't let myself cry. Not in front of him at least." Now fight!!" We stood up and I got into stance and we fought each other. Taking hit after hit until he had to stop to breathe. I was in a ball,waiting for my chance. I grabbed his head and slammed it on the floor as hard as I could. Punching him repeatedly." That's would seem your daughter is much smarter then my son. Within the hour we'll let them regain their strength and have them go at it again and see who has endurance and strength."

      When we were to fight again, I won. When Ritsu was on the ground obviously trying not to cry. I knew from that day...I had a hard look. One that made them fear. I didn't want them to be afraid, I just wanted to run in the fields and be normal. I couldn't even go to school without anything happening. I did go to the rich kid school before. There I was a girl. Guys were to afraid and I knew the Hitachiin twins. They were ruthless against girls and boys alike but had a small fear when I would walk by. I was in the same class as Kyoya Otori (I was it spelling wrong, I'm sorry).Everyone sat away from me. My name was Kane Takanori. The heir to the Takanori Syndicate. I wanted nothing to do with it, though I didn't have a choice. Every day, every month, I was forced to have them fear me. Only being in elementary. I remember I bumped into Kyoya, he looked at me with a slight hence of fear. I merely glared." Fix it, you do it again and I'll get you." He seemed to frown." Right." He continued to walk. I didn't like this image. It made me feel so wrong. Like I could never belong to anyone, or that no one would love me. All because of my last name.

          I remember every day I had to fight Ritsu no matter how bruised we were. That was until the night. The yelling and the attempt to have me hidden...only to was too late. They came in and threw my half beaten father at my mother." Business is business, Takanori. You know the price." I saw him take his head off then my mother was next. They slit her throat and then it was to me."'s your job. Get rid of her." I looked at him, tears in my eyes. I looked at his and his had tears to." I can't... I can't kill her."

       "Yasuo...she's all yours, you can get good profit." A bag was placed on my head and I was knocked out. In a dark room. I could hear others,  and the only light came from upstairs.I gently whispered," Hello?" A hand touched my hand and then one went over my mouth," If he catches us talking...we'll all get whipped." I covered my mouth, just them the door opened. Light flooded and the bodies I could see hid, so I copied." Come out my little kitties. We have a buyer..." He grew impatient." If no one comes out, no food or water." A whimpy looking girl came out and she was roughly grabbed." She's too small." We heard a loud cracking sound and her body hit the ground, unmoving. I heard another one squeal." So we have more, all hiding in the shadows." From where I was I could see there boots, and then I heard a scream as another little girl was grabbed out."Heizo, I want this one."

                   "500 yen." Let's just say she was sold. The door was slammed shut and since my eyes had been able to adjust. I could see many young girls like me crawling from their spots. They looked at me.In the quietest tone they spoke." What's your name?"

     "Kane, you?"

            "We don't remember our names, they've beaten us so much, we don't remember."We heard stomping." He's had a lot of customers lately...we're sold for sex and drugs." I was surprised little girls like these knew about such things." They talk about it a lot. The bigger you are the more you cost, same with whether or not you fight against them if they try to grab you." The door opened again and we scurried.

        It became the norm, every other day there was a new girl. Never any boys. For months it felt like we saw girls come and go, a girl named Gima was the oldest, she was never caught. She saved who she could and one day they finally got her. Sold her for 6,000 yen. I became friends with one called Ruka, she was very pretty. She had dark blue eyes from whenever I could see and had the sweetest blond hair I've ever seen. A week after, they got me.I put up so much of a fight I gave the one who bought me a black eye, selling for 10,000 yen for my strength. He brought me to hid home and his friends were excited. They threw me in a cage and made me eat trash and drugs. Their syringes always going in my skin. I was never thinking straight, always was in a daze. I don't remember much as to when I was drugged, but I do know I was no innocent. When it stopped they were fighting, guns got involved. I took it as the chance to get out of my kennel. When I did, I ran for it. The men ran after me, and I took one of their guns. They laughed at the sight of a young girl holding a gun to them."You're not going to shoot me little girl." I pulled the trigger and shot one in the lung, the others feared me for a moment,"Gimme the gun little brat." I cocked it and pointed it again." I'd run if I were you." They did, it wasn't long when I was walking along a road when someone picked me up. It was who I now call my father and mother." You poor thing." They covered me and took care of me. When they took me to their home, they clothed me and took care of me and I met Haruhi. She was so nice to me. She loved me so much. I didn't have any hair at the time so she thought I was a boy. I was 7 at the time. Joining the local school. Being with her for 4 years, she found out I was a girl. I told her,I protected her. With all the respect I had for her, I vowed to never let her get hurt. One day I was walking home after speaking with one of my teachers so I was alone, when I was kidnapped. Being taken to a dark basement like room.( Kane in a Nightmare.)

         (Psst...I don't think I need to retype this part of her backstory again.)

      When I was Free

 I knew where I was, and scurried home, covered in my own blood and the small thin box on the back of my head. Never to be removed because it was connected to my nervous system and if it were to ever be removed I would die instantly. My hair was shaggy enough to cover it luckily. Haruhi never knew until she tried to give me a haircut for fun. Then she found it and my infected chest, not to forget the thick scars on my shoulders. Since that day she changed, she didn't try to get me to get haircuts, I would let dad trim it. While I was gone, mom past away. Which made me so depressed. Haruhi and I grew extremely close. Sticking to each other at school. We didn't talk to anyone usually, it was just us. We were like the Hitachiin twins in a sense because of it. In our own world with just each other to interact with, Haruhi left the world and opened up to others. I remained secluded. Guys tried to become friends with me, girls tried to date me.I ignored it all. Until the end of middle school, we showed extreme intelligence and were excepted into Ouran.

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