The Twins Fight

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     I skipped the host club this afternoon, I wasn't really in the mood for seeing the guys today, I had too much going on. I went straight home, I used the key to unlock the front door. Once inside, I went to mine and Haruhi's room, unbuttoned my uniform and laid on my bed. There was just so much to think about, they were rather toxic. 

     I took a short nap and got up, going around the corner to the bathroom. I took my jacket off and my top, exposing the bandage. I could see the scarring on my upper shoulders around my neck, my fingers carefully caressed the skin. The memories that came to mind seemed to be consuming at some points, the pain, fear, and paranoia. Due to the scarring, my breast never appropriately formed. The severe burns stunted the growth it seemed. I knelt down and rested my head against the counter top. Today was the anniversary of the day I was taken from my family and sent to those men... Thinking and remembering every detail and ounce of pain haunted me, as if it were an unforgettable nightmare. 

   -=-=-=NEXT DAY=-=-=-

      I over heard that the twins were fighting during the club yesterday, so it turned out I didn't really miss much. Tamaki sat on my desk, moving his hair like he normally does. I didn't really look up at him, I continued looking at my notebook. "So Kane, got any plans this weekend?" He was talking in his 'dreamy' tone. "I was thinking maybe I could come to your place." He was trying to be smooth, he apparently didn't consider that Haruhi would have told me what went on yesterday. "Tamaki, you are aware that Haruhi told me about yesterday correct?" He went pale. "She doesn't want any of you guys coming over." He deflated like a balloon. "She did?" I nodded and shrug my shoulders. "Sorry." He looked like he was about to cry, but then straightened up and acted normal. "No matter, I'll figure it out one of these days!" I began to doodle on my paper as he rambled on about his plan. I wasn't particularly interested in him figuring something out when it probably wouldn't actually happen. Kyoya was looking over my shoulder. I kinda stopped for a moment and then felt his presence leave as I continued. Lunch was going to start soon, so it we were just waiting for the bell to ring. 

      Once lunch began, I followed down the halls to the cafe. When we walked in, the twins had already started arguing, poor Haruhi was stuck in the middle of the quarrel. I sat down in front of her as she handed me my lunch. We sat there quietly, munching on our food while we listened to them yell at each other; it wasn't long after when a plate was finally thrown. Tamaki came over and started asking us about our lunched, fantasizing about what it would be like the try some of the food we made. As one of the platters came in our direction, Hikaru grabbed Tamaki by his tie and pulled him to block it. That began the battle, random objects began going back and forth across the room. Many objects didn't even seem possible, at one point Hunni was in the air. I felt my shoulders drop, Kyoya grabbed my shoulders and moved me back to dodge a platter of food. "Thanks. Things wouldn't been pretty if that hit me." I smiled at him with my eyes close. He seemed to grin back and helped me get my stuff. It was too much of a wreck to be sitting in here. I grabbed Tamaki by his tie and dragged him across the floor. He was still stunned by the fact he got hit. Once we got back to the classroom, I continued eating, seeing both boys looking at my meal with interest. "You guys want some?" Both came over, I gave them a fork full of food. "They're leftovers from last night's dinner." Tamaki had a wide smile as he held his fork, while Kyoya was much more calm about it.

       "I believe Haruhi said the same thing." I slightly nodded my head and looked down at the container.

               "She packs the lunches, I usually make breakfast." He did a more simple nod, understanding the situation, we both glanced over at Tamaki who was daydreaming again. My doodle became more of drawing, just a sequence of patterns that came together to form one piece.


  The twins continued their pointless arguments even during the club, it almost seemed they had to point and hurt each other. It was beginning to get uncomfortable because it was over the most stupidest things. We watched as they started fighting more intensely, one of brought out a cursing doll. Haruhi's face got red with anger, she went to both of them and punched them both in the head. "What do you think your doing? You don't bring something like this into a petty fight. Both of you are at fault here but what is really sad Is that you brought everyone else around you into your big mess. Now apologize to each other. If you don't make it up right now, I'm never going to let you come over to my house, have I made myself clear?" I felt my eyes squint as I stared at her, she was the one who didn't want them over in the first place, what was the point in using it as a tool in order to make sure they made up? They began to circle her like hungry sharks when they've smelled blood. "So does that mean we get to come over if we make up?" The two said in unison. She turned it over and the sound of her scream seemed to slightly echo, at least she's realized her mistake though. The boys seemed to make up immediately and continued there twincest seconds later. 

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