Fight For Those You Love

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July 18th

The darkness... It was intoxicating, practically smothering me.

Natsu... Where could he be keeping him?

"Lucy..." I hear Natsu's voice echo in the darkness.

"Natsu!" I shout and a light finally shines in the room.

A candle, medium in size with a small, flickering flame. It has to be a sign.

The walls seemed to be covered in brick and stone, cinderblocks maybe. They seemed to be crumbling and slightly faded so, a few centuries old as well. Otherwise, the walls seemed to be bathed in the color of blood, making me feel a bit nauseated from thinking about it.

I take the candle and begin to walk throughout the long, bloodied hallway.

"Lucy..." I hear Natsu's voice echo again and my pace began to quicken.

"Natsu! Hold on! I'm coming!" I shout, picking up one foot after the other.

That was when I finally reached a room. It was nothing fancy. All there was in the room was a round pool and a window. The window outside showed a pale moon, slowly turning more and more black.

"Natsu! Where are you?" I shout, looking around till I had reached the pool.

If the walls made me feel nauseous, the pool only made it worse. The water looked more like a pool of blood itself. I widened my eyes, slightly frightened by the sight.

"Pull him out." I hear.

"Pull him out?" I ask, looking around to see who told me.

"Your love is inside the water. You must pull him out before he is lost forever." It was a male voice, deep and almost... fatherly in a sense.

"How can I pull him out?" I ask.

"You won't be tainted by the water, Lucy Heartfilia. All you must do is reach out and grab him." the fatherly voice says and I nod.

I go closer to the bloody pool and I slowly touched it. It's so thick! I can barely put my fingers through it.

Natsu... I have to save Natsu!

And I suddenly fell in. I quickly held whatever was left of my breath, fearing drowning. Wait... I let go and I could breathe. Does that mean I can-

"Natsu!" I shout out to him, hoping for another sign.

And there was silence.


That was-

"Natsu! I'm coming, just hold on!"

I swam through the water, looking all around for something.

"Keep going down. You're getting closer." that fatherly voice told me.

"Down... Actually, I think I see something!" I finally land on the bottom of the red pool and find a large crystal.

Inside was Natsu. He was pounding against the crystal's glass, tears in his eyes.

"Natsu!" I go against the glass and place my hands over his, his onyx eyes looking straight into mine.

"I'm right here. You're okay, you're gonna be okay." I tell him and the glass between us shattered.

He collapsed onto me and I hug him with all my might.

Mended: A Broken StoryWhere stories live. Discover now