GenoMorphs Mental Mole

Start from the beginning

Aqualad had made it to the same level as me. I then saw that until he had shown up, the men that were trapped had their eyes on me with awe. I personally dont think I look anything special so I always blame peoples amazed reactions towards me as just a shock at seeing a new superhero.

It took moments for the Atlantean to secure the civilians as he sent them to the ground with the authorities while he was stationed on the same ledge KF and Robin entered from.

Once I made sure the fire was out, I joined all of them in the building. "Appreciate the help." Aqualad remarked sarcastically.

I shrugged my wings back into my skin and sighed contently. Robin looked to already begin hacking into the CADMUS mainframe through one of the non-destroyed computers. "You handled it. Besides were here to investigate. 'Poetic Justice', remember?"

I suddenly felt a rush of.....something. It was enough to make my stomach turn. It was like I was surrounded, a quick flash of claustrophobia. There were more, a lot more than just us in this building and I don't think its civilians trapped by the fire.

A small clash of metal brought me back to my senses. The boys had made their way the hall that was adjacent to the room. "There was something in the-" Aqualad started. "Elevators should be locked down." Kid said.

"Somethings wrong here." I added, nodding in agreement to Kid. "Robin."

"On it." He called back pulling up a holographic image from the tech on his arm and typing rapidly. (A/N: Never knew what that thing was.) "Thought so. This is a high speed express elevator," He informed lowering his arm. "It doesn't belong on a two story building."

"Neither does what I saw." Aqualad finished darkly stepping up to the closed doors of the elevator and tearing them open with a grunt of effort. We all looked down to see a seemingly endless pit straight down. "And thats why they need an express elevator." Robin observed. He quickly pulled something from his belt and shot it to the side of the shaft. He leaped from the side and held on as the rest of the rope lowered him down.

Aqualad jumped to the rope next followed by KF and lastly was me. "Hey, why didn't you just fly down?" KF asked as we slid down the nylon cord. "The space is too small. I could have broken a wing." I replied simply.

"Oh." I grinned at his tone of pure stupidity.

We had finally gotten to the end with Robin standing balanced on the ledge of the closest door. Aqualad jumped to the edge of the door and helped both me and Kid do the same.

"Bypassing security." Robin narrated on his wrist tech again. I noticed there were small heads on his screen that resembled his face. One by one, they changed from a shaking angry red to a smiling happy green. "There! Go!" Aqualad ripped open the second door and we were in. "Welcome to project CADMUS."

Kid suddenly took off again sending out a gush of wind. "Kid, wait!" Both Aqualad and I shouted in a whisper. We all ran after him as he zoomed out of sight around the corner. I felt large vibrations in the floor meaning something was close and it wasn't on the tiny side.

The three of is turned the corner but the first thing we saw wasn't Kid but these huge creatures that walked on all fours that resembled an ape yet their skin had no hair of any kind and was a pale gray color. There were miniature ones on their shoulders as well. They walked in alignment by twos but the line was nearly endless as a pair kept making itself known from the way.

I looked into the eyes of one of the smaller ones placed on its shoulder and felt my body change. This is what happens when I 'adapt'. My body practically forms a mind of its own and comes up with this magical power that will almost always assure my survival. All five of my senses work in tandem to make sure this happens.....sometimes weather I like it to or not. It used to do ut all on its own without me but after years of training, I have a pretty good hold on it. My mind enhanced yet went on total and complete lock down. I could feel a new kind of power that didn't have to resort to physical limitations.

Grew up with Green. To love Aqua. (A YJ fanfic/ Kaldur: Aqualad Love story.)Where stories live. Discover now