Taiwan | Promise

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China was different from other nations. It was strict to following it's customs and traditions. Men bear arms while women bear sons. There was a certain teenage Taiwanese girl who didn't exactly like that tradition.

"I honestly don't understand why it's necessary for all women to be the housewife." Mei told me.

"Well, maybe Yao wanted to protect the women from getting injured on the battlefield." I reasoned. She glares at me.

"(Male Name), are you saying women can't fight?!" Mei trying to strangle me. I shook my head furiously, holding my hands up in defense.

"No, Mei. What I'm trying to say is that, not all women are capable of fighting like you." I reasoned.

She nods, setting her hands on her pink kimono. Mei was very confident to defend herself, but she didn't exactly know what war looked like. The horror and chaos that many soldiers has to face.

"Mei, I have something to tell you," I held her hands in mine, I weakly smiled at her, "I'm going off to war."

Mei's smile drops and her eyes held tears. I quietly open my arms, embracing her while she cries against my chest. Mei gripped my yukata, as if I were to disappear as soon as she let go. She looks up at me with puffy brown eyes.

"W-when do you leave?" She hiccups. I frown slightly while patting her hair.

"My eighteenth birthday." Mei gripped me even tighter. I sighed when the tears returns to her eyes.

"But that's tomorrow!" I chuckle wearily, turning away, not wanting to meet her gaze.

- Time Skip -

I stood before my family, armored and ready to defend my country. My mother and sisters cry, my father looks at with pride, finally Mei stood there, a sad smile on her face.

I bow to them separately and respectively to all of them. I jumped onto my horse, nodding at my father one last time.

(Horse's Name) ran forward, away from my family, away from my home, away from Mei.

The said girl watched as her best friend left. She picks up her kimono and starts running after them.

"Come back home safely!" I turned my head, slyly grinning.

"I will!" Mei sighed stopping when he passed through the gates.

"Stay safe." Mei halted her steps and stood there, her hair covering her saddened expression.

-Three Years Later -

Years had passed by so quickly. Mei had blossomed into a beautiful young woman, she still had that independent personality, but she had matured mentally and physically. Today was a special day for Mei; the day of (Male Name) came back. That, and the day she met the matchmaker.

Mei was hoping to be matched with (Male Name), the young woman had fallen in love with him after his leave for war.

Mei looked happily in the mirror, twirling in her fancy kimono. "Someone looks happy." Mei turned her head to see (mother's name) smiling at her.

"Well, yes. I am." She tried to stop the smile from her face. (Mother's name) patted her Mei's shoulder.  The older, wiser woman knew about her feelings for her son.

"You know, I think you'd make a great daughter-in-law." She smiled at (mother's name). Suddenly, a gong rang out to their ears.

They connected each other's gazes and rushed outside. The general stood at the gates with a solemn look. He stood in front of (father's name).

Random One-Shots~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz