12: Revenge

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Lydia's POV
Me and Jack got home at around 3A.M. and we're soaked in blood and went to his room. We both look at the shower , then at each other and run towards the shower. I beat him by a few seconds, close the door quickly. I then hear a bang on the otherside of the door automatically knowing EJ had run into the door, so I yell "Sorry" as I giggle a bit and turn the water on.
*****Time skip 15 minutes*****
As soon as I'm out of the shower I put on blue tank top and black pajama pants. When I finish changing I go out and lay on the bed, as I do EJ goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I decide to just wait for EJ so I pick up my iPod that I had taken from one of my kills, and listen to Avenged Sevenfold. I do notice that I still feel uneasy from what ever sickness I have but try to just push it off.
After EJ gets out if the bathroom in clean clothes, he comes over and lays in bed with me. I then nuzzle up against his chest and begin falling into a deep sleep with his arms wrapped around me.
I woke up at about twelve and noticed that EJ was just laying there staring at me so I thought he was asleep until he said "You're cute when you sleep". I blushed a little at that and said a quiet "Thanks" while sitting down.
"I'm guessing you aren't coming to lunch?" EJ say putting his hand on the door knob. "Nope" I say laying on the bed. "Ok will I'll see you in a little bit" he says walking out and downstairs. I then go over and close the door.
Once the door is closed I change into black skinny jeans, a black tank top, blue converse, and a black and blue hoodie. I then open the door again and lay on the bed listening to Panic! At the Disco. I was laying there for a good 10 minutes. Until, something hit me on my head hard, and I blacked out.
As soon as I woke up I noticed I was in the basement that Slender and Toymaker took me to a while back and just like then I was chained, except now I couldn't really move my arms or feet because the chains were so short, and there wasn't a Slender or a Toymaker in sight.
After a few minutes of absolutely no movement or sound the door opens, and Ben descends down the stairs while closing and locking the door behind him. "Ben what are you doing?" I ask keeping all fear or of my voice. "Did you think I'd give up just because Eyeless Jack thought he had some sort of 'claim' on you" he says laughing a bit. "I don't give up that easy infact I don't lose... ever" he says smirking.
He then comes toward me and starts leaning in to kiss me but I quickly bite him before he gets close. "You bitch" he says cupping his now bloody nose, as I just growl a bit. "Fine if you wanna play dirty we'll play dirty" he says smirking and staring into my eyes. "I bet you like Jack's eyes since you like him so much how about we make you just like him!" he yells jumping on my with a knife. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but to no avail with the chains restraining me."No..." I whisper holding back tears. After a few more seconds he holds my jaw together so I can't bite and I scream as well as possible with his hand, as I feel the blade of his knife go deep into my eye as he gouges out my eyes one be one.
After he finally finishes he laughs saying "Relax you'll get your vision back think about it none of the others are blind" but I ignore him. All that's on my mind is intense pain, and the fact that I can't see. My almost perfect wolf eye vision is no a black void of nothingness. I then hold back sobs, but hear there's sound of banging on the door and notice Ben get off me probably to hide as I just lay there.
After a few seconds I hear the door fall down and running coming towards me. "Oh my Zalgo" I hear a voice say and emidiantly recognize it as EJ and he then gently touches my cheek. I then force myself up and hug him putting my face into his chest trying to block out every thing else but him. All the pain, the noise, the past, everything except him and secede for a few minutes before he asks "What happened?".
I hold back sobs and say "Ben dragged me down here wanting revenge and I made him mad and he took my eyes, and he hid somewhere in this room but I don't know where. "It's ok I'll get him back I swear" EJ says kissing my forehead and picking me up bridal style.
I feel EJ start walking and he he continues for a bit until he lays me on a bed which I assumed was his. "Thanks EJ" I whisper and he moves hair out of my face "No problem I'll get Toymaker to watch you and go find Slender ok?" "Ok" I reply and hear him walk away and I feel something drip down my face but assume it's just blood.
About a minute later someone walks in and i tense up a bit.
"Dad?" "Yeah doll, it's me" Toymaker responds as I feel him sit in the bed. "Ben's not gonna get away with this he's gotta go through me, Jack, and Slender now" he says. "I thought Slender didn't like me" I say curious as to why he'd say that. "Well for one if I would kill him if he didn't kill Ben, and two he gave orders not to hurt you which Ben has definantly broken, therefore, must be punished"he replied. "Oh" I say before I hear more people walk in.
"Child, are you certain Ben did this?" Slender says and I nod 'yes' and Slender walks closer to me and putting his hands on my eye. I then wince a bit in pain and he noticed but just says "If you don't know creepypasta's don't really get blind for example me nor Eyeless Jack have eyes but we can see". I nod but stay quiet and he wipes what I assumed was blood from my cheek "but it seems yours is going to be like Jack's which makes sense since unlike me you have eye sockets, but you should get your sight back in at least three days depending on how fast you heal until then I recommend you just rest". I nod and hear what I assumed was everyone leave and the door shut, but am corrected a few seconds later when EJ says "I'm sorry I let him do this to you" while he layed beside me and wrapped his arms around me "I'll never let it happen again" he says as we both fall asleep.
Hey guys, I changed the date of the full moon to a week from then instead of a day just in case any of y'all are confused, and I'm sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes. Also feel free to comment or kik me about any questions you have or if you just wanna talk.
-DWolf out!✌

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