Chapter10: Visit

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(Here you go guys :3)

(The same day as the previous chapter)
Mitch's POV

He looked at me and gave me one more soft kiss. I smiled.

"Hey Mitch. I was wondering. Do you wanna come over to my house. Maybe hang out and have a drink with me?"he whispered.

I laughed quietly and leaned against him. We were both sitting on top of a desk. Sitting side by side.

"You know Mr.Aceti, shouldn't you be stopping me from under age drinking?"I mumbled.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek ,"Well~ I'm not really a cop and I think your adorable when your drunk. So it's a win for me and win for you".

I raised an eyebrow ,"Um.. last time when we met at the bar, you got me drunk off my my ass and you raped me AFTER you took me to your house. So~ Yeah sure".

He laughed and gave me a deep kiss ,"No foul language mister. We're still in school".

"Oh shut up dad".

He smiled and I got off the desk. Then grabbed the stuff from his desk that I left after yesterday's detention and looked at him.

"I gotta go to my locker first. Put this away and I guess go to your place. If that's what you wanna do"I mumbled.
He nodded and got off the desk as well.

He walked to me and kissed the side of my head.

Then grabbed his shoulder bag which had his laptop in it. Then we went out the door and he waited for me out front.

I opened my locker and sighed. Stuffing my things in there and closed the door.

I groaned and slammed my head on the locker. Not with so much force though so it didn't hurt.

What am I doing? I shouldn't be going to his house!? My rape and molester lightbulb is blinking above my head. I've only known Mr.Aceti for this school year. So about 4 months. And this has been going on for what? A week I think.

I groaned again and slammed my forehead again.

What am I doing? I don't know him very well. What if he's like the guy off of Fifty shades of Grey?

My cheeks flushed and I groaned again. This time not banging my forehead but slapping my forehead.

If I don't stop I'm gonna have a headache.

I started walking yo the front door of the school. Looking down with my hands in my hoodie pockets.

I still don't know exactly all of what he did that night. There could've been something in the drinks. He may of put something in them. He could've drugged me!

My cheeks flushed again. I slapped my cheeks with both hands and rubbed my face and eyes.

Man I read too much gay stories.

Wonder what all he did do.

I seriously gotta stop thinking.

Well then again, I don't really care what he doe-

I slapped myself again.

Shut up mind. I love him so it doesn't matter.. what.. he.. does.

My eyes turned into saucers and my cheeks turned into tomotoes and roses at my own thought. Then I smiled at myself.

I love him. I just admitted it to my own self.

I sighed and thought again.

But what if he's the one that always has the extra frie- okay my mind is wondering else where.

memorable school life ✓ meromeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz