I just shrugged and mouthed ‘later’ to her.

The first three periods passed quickly and soon Carla, Kate, and I were walking down the stairs for first break.

“Why were Zack, Candy, and Mandy talking to you earlier?” Kate asked.

I shrugged as if it were no big deal. “They were just inviting me to sit with them on second break.”

They both gaped at me. “Seriously?” Carla said.

“Yup,” I replied, smiling a bit.

“And you’re going to sit with them?” Kate questioned, frowning slightly.

“Of course!” I replied.

They both stayed quiet but I was too busy thinking of the popular crowd to notice the expressions on their faces.

During fifth period, I was practically bouncing on my chair from the excitement of hanging out with the popular crowd today.

When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and stood beside Zack.

He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I walked with them with outside.

I didn’t even think of my best friends, Carla and Kate, as I tried to fit in with the popular clique.

All ten members of the group knew me and greeted me with smiles. So far so good. I was being accepted. Now, I just had to make a good impression.

They all sat on the stairs and I glanced at them for a few seconds before sitting there as well. The five girls were Candy, Mandy, Amy, Kayla, and Lara. And the guys were Zack, Kyle, Marcus, Keegan, and Luke.

“What was up with that Chemistry quiz?” Amy said.

“Tell me about it!” Kyle said. “That teacher is so stupid. I swear I feel like slapping her in class! She did not have the right to do that quiz today.”

Well, she actually did… She said that there was going to be a quiz today and if they read the chapter they would’ve done well because it was easy since we just started with the chapter.

But of course I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to agree with them. I wanted to fit in after all.

“I know,” I said. “I mean Chemistry is horrible enough without having that stupid teacher.”

Some of them chuckled and they all agreed with me.

Point 2 for today!

I smiled proudly and chuckled as well. Things were going great!

Break time passed quickly and soon I was walking back to class with the popular group.

When class started, Carla whispered to me, “How was your break?”

I did hear the bitter tone in her voice but I decided to ignore it. There was no need for them to be angry or bitter. I did spend the first break with them after all.

“It was good,” I replied, giving her a smile. “Zack is so hot!”

“Mmm,” she replied briefly.

I frowned but didn’t comment on the obvious anger.

Between the last two periods, I asked Kate and Carla if they wanted to come over after school. They looked reluctant at first and shared a quick look but eventually agreed.

I was happy they did because I wanted to balance between the populars and my best friends.

 After school Carla and Kate came back home with me and we ordered pizza because my parents won’t be coming home early tonight.

We chatted and watched movies like we usually did and it seemed like all the anger they felt at me at school disappeared and we were back to normal.

Suddenly, my phone beeped.

I frowned as I grabbed it from the table. My parents didn’t text and my best friends were here so who could it be?

I saw a number I didn’t recognize that texted me ‘Hey ;)’.

“Who is it?” Carla asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I’ll check on True Caller.”

I opened up the application and wrote the number and clicked on search. It started loading and a few seconds later the result appeared and my heart skipped a beat. It was Zack.

“It’s Zack,” I replied, smiling.

I replied with ‘Hi :)’

We kept on texting for the next half an hour or so then my best friends sighed, irritated.

“Are you going to text him or hang out with us?” Carla asked.

“We can leave if you’re going to text him and ignore us,” Kate said bluntly.

My eyebrows rose up at their comments but I decided not to start an argument because I didn’t feel like having a fight with them now.

I just rolled my eyes and texted Zack a quick apology, telling him that I’m hanging out with my friends and we’ll text later.

I put my phone away and chatted with my friends. I noticed that our conversation was more tense and I wondered whether my friendship with the popular clique was affecting my friendship with Carla and Kate.

But I shook the thought away because it shouldn’t affect our friendship. Friends shouldn’t get mad at each other for hanging out with other people.

Around an hour later, Kate’s mom picked them up. I took a shower, put on my pajamas, and started texting Zack again.

‘I’m back. Missed me? :P’

‘How could I not? ;)’

I smiled and felt my cheeks turn slightly red.

‘Haha so what’s up?’

‘Just thinking of you’

I bit my lower lip as my heart skipped a beat.

‘Aww you’re sweet :$’

‘And you’re hot ;)’

For the next couple of hours we kept on texting and he kept on flirting with me, making me grin the whole time.

I still couldn’t believe that Zack was talking to me! I was never one of the popular people at school and in high school, on the first day of freshman year, everyone knows who is popular and who is not.

I didn’t get lucky enough to be one of the popular people so I was stuck with the rest of the ‘not populars’ for the rest of high school.

Now, though, as I texted Zack, I thought that maybe there would be an exception this time. That maybe, I would start being one of the populars now. Maybe it wasn’t too late yet.

At around 11:00p.m we said our good nights and right before I went to sleep I mumbled to myself, “I want to have the hottest boyfriend at school.”

The last image in my mind was Zack’s face and his smile… 


Hey :)

Sorry for the short and late updates :/ School is killing me -.- Buuuut on the bright side, my summer starts in 56 DAYS (: 

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Have a nice day! <3

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