Chapter 11

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Ciel gets a case in London involving the circus and had Lily come with him and Sebastian. “We only have two tickets to the show. Stay with Soma until we get back.” Ciel says before leaving the town house. Ciel is in a bad mood when he arrives home and heads straight to his study. Sebastian grabs Lily and pulls her behind him to the study. “Lily your trying out for the circus with me. When we are there act like I’m a page boy. So call me little brother when you can and act a little protective.” Ciel says. She nods and looks nerves. After putting the young master to bed Sebastian pulls Lily into his room. “I want you to know that no matter what happens at the circus on this case I’m still yours and you will be the only thing that matters to me.” Sebastian says before kissing her. He pulls away looking at her with his purple eyes as she tries to catch her breath. “I know Sebastian. I trust you.” Lily says before heading to her bed.

           The next day they head to the circus and Lily looks around with wonder. “Have you never been to a circus before?” Sebastian asks. “Once when I was 6. I wanted to learn tricks on the tight rope so my mother insisted I do.” Lily says. She watches amused as Sebastian threw pebbles at the knives Ciel threw. “Ya want to try?” Joker asks as he offers a knife to Lily. “I’m not as good as my little brother.” Lily says as she takes the knife. She throws it and it hits it’s mark due to Sebastian’s training. There was a lot of applause.

          Next they moved to the tight rope and aerial hoops. Ciel made it across the tight rope with Sebastian’s help. “Your turn big sister.” Ciel says. Joker watches with amazement as she got to the middle of the tight rope and stops. “She’s going to fall and has no life line.” Joker yells as Lily jumps up and flips landing on her hands before finishing across. Once on the ground Sebastian pulls her to him. “Don’t scare us like that big sister.” Ciel scolds as Lily laughs into Sebastian’s shoulder. “Ya three are in but you need stage names. Ya be Black, Ya be Smiles and Ya be Devil.” Joker says as he points to each of them. He gives them a tour before leaving them to change.

          “Devil suits you.” Sebastian says from behind Lily. Lily turns to look at him. “Black is right for you. Poor little brother got the worst name of the three of us.” Lily says with a giggle before going back to doing her makeup. Joker shows up as they were finishing and takes them to the practice tent where he introducing them to the others. When Sebastian and Ciel see Suits they looked unhappy. Sebastian drags Suits out of the practice tent and Ciel stays close to Lily. “Who is he?” Lily whispers when Dagger wasn’t standing by them. “Don’t pay any attention to him just stay away from him and do your job.” Ciel says before Dagger sends him to go get Sebastian and Suits.

          When sleeping arrangements were announced by Joker everyone was happy but Ciel, Sebastian and Suits. Lily was in the same room as Freckles and Ciel. “Share the bottom bunk with me big sister.” Ciel says when they got into the tent. Lily nods and they fall asleep. The next day Freckles yells at them to hurry and get dressed because they were late. Ciel dose the best he can dressing himself and he mangles the potatoes for breakfast. Sebastian is able to save them and made fish and chips. Freckles stays close to Ciel so it made it hard for them to talk. Sebastian and Ciel go off and Lily wonders around the tents but is stopped by Suits. “Demons all ways hunting around for souls.” He says as he leans tord her. “My name is Devil not Demon. I don’t know what you’re talking about Suits but it isn’t funny.” Lily says as she backs away from him.

          Sebastian shows up and gently pulls Lily to him. “Devil there you are. We need to practice if we are going to make it into the top tears. Smiles is waiting for us.” Sebastian says. Suits attacks them with his poll and Sebastian pulls Lily out of the way. “Both you demons are going to make my job harder than it is. Keep her under control.” Suits says. “Black what is he talking about? Why did he attack us?” Lily asks as she backs away from both of them. “Go to Smiles I’ll have a talk with Suits and sort this out.” Sebastian says before giving her a smile. Lily nods then runs off to find Ciel. Ciel grabs her arm and pulls her away from the others. Ciel explains the plan and tells her to watch the show so that no one suspects anything and to meet in Sebastian’s tent afterwards. During her practice Joker walks over to her. “Ya should work with the hops. It would be good to see ya and Doll do an act together when you get good at ‘em.” Joker says. Lily nods before Joker leads her over to Doll to work on the hops.

The othere Phantomhive demon(Black Butler Fanfic.) discontinued जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें