Chapter 9

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The next day Lily keeps out of sight and dose work with Mey-Rin the best she can with her hurt arm. Sebastian comes to see her as dinner was being made. “The others are helping Agni make dinner. I wanted to check up on you.” Sebastian says as he gently touches her arm. “It’s fine Sebastian. Shouldn’t you be watching the others to keep them from destroying your dinner?” Lily asks. Sebastian gives a small laugh as he pushes a loss strand of hair behind her ear. “Your right I should.” Sebastian says. Lily gently kisses him before pulling away and heading to the study to clean up the young masters mess. Ciel looks up at her and she stands in the doorway. “Big sister come here.” Ciel says. Lily blushes and walks over to his desk. Ciel grabs her uninjured hand and pulls her to a chair across from his. “I’m sorry about yelling at you last night.” Ciel says.

          “You’re my master. I could tell you were mad and needed to vent. I’m not upset by that.  Why did you call me big sister?” Lily asks. Ciel blushes a little and walks over to her before sitting in her lap. “I did it because you are like my big sister. It’s ok for you to call me little brother as long as it’s the two of us.” Ciel says. There was a knock on the door and Ciel jumps out of her lap. “Ciel play with me.” Soma yells as he bust throw the door. Soma stops what he was doing when he sees Lily. “Lily you look better then yesterday.” Soma says as he sits where Ciel had been. Ciel looks mad and storms over to his desk. “Lily go see how long until dinner is done.” Ciel says. Lily gets Soma off of her and gives a small bow before leaving to the kitchen.

          The moment Lily opens the kitchen door she regretted it. Agni was standing by it and grabbed her into a hug. “Did you come to help us Miss. Lily?” Agni asks. Lily struggles then looks at Sebastian for help. Sebastian comes over and pries Agni’s arms off of her. “Lily what are you doing here?” Sebastian asks. “The young master wanted to know how long until dinner was done.” Lily says as she pulls away from Sebastian and stands by the open door. Sebastian looks around the kitchen then back to Lily. “Soon if you could bring him down to the dining room that would help.” Sebastian says. Lily nods before going to retrieve her young master. Ciel holds her hand as they walk and Soma had his arm thrown around Ciel.

          After dinner Soma and Agni say they are going out. “Stay here and get some sleep.” Ciel tells Lily before he leaves with Sebastian. Lily dose as she is told and heads to Sebastian’s room to change before she falls asleep. When she gets up the next morning Sebastian is lying next to her still asleep. Lily quietly gets out of bed and changes in the bathroom before sneaking out of his room. She wasn’t even halfway down the hall before she was pressed against the wall and Sebastian’s lips pressed to hers. “Don’t think you can sneak off on me. I am one hell of a butler after all.” Sebastian says.  Lily blushes and lets Sebastian pull her to the kitchen. He sets her in a chair and starts the water for tea before starting breakfast. “Let me see your arm.” Sebastian says as he stands in front of her. She holds it out and he unwraps it. “It’s all healed now. We will act like it still is hurt but when the prince isn’t around you can lift heavy things.” Sebastian says before gently kissing her arm. Lily blushes and when she looks up at Sebastian she can see his purple eyes.

          “Don’t be embarrassed about this Lily.” Sebastian says before kissing her. He pulls back before what he was cooking burns. “Let’s go wake the young master.” Sebastian says. Lily follows him up to Ciel’s room and walks over to his closet to get out his cloths. Ciel opens his eyes and looks over at Lily. She gasp seeing Sebastian’s mark in Ciel’s eye. She had never seen it before and falls back. “Get up Lily.” Ciel says as he turns to look at Sebastian. Lily stands and pulls out cloths for Ciel. Once he was ready he heads down to the dining room to eat with Soma and Lau. Lily stays out of the way and sits in the kitchen as Bard runs about thinking out loud about meal plans asking her what she thinks.

          Ciel comes into the kitchen and grabs Lily by the arm. “Come with me.” Ciel says as he pulls her out of the room. Once in his study and they were alone Ciel lets her go and turns to look at her. “Lily I want you to help me with my work today.” Ciel says as he points to a pile of papers and some writing untincles. Lily helps Ciel with his work and after dinner Lily heads to Sebastian’s room. Sebastian grabs her and pulls her into his room before setting her on his bed. “The young master and I are going out please stay here. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Sebastian says before placing a kiss on her head. “Be careful Sebastian and don’t let the young master get hurt.” Lily says before kissing his check. He smiles and nods before leaving her alone in his room. She falls asleep quickly. The next morning Soma was yelling and he runs into her and cries as he holds onto her. Lily leads him to her room and leaves him there to be dealt with by Sebastian.

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